NGD: Sabre Wraith

don Livio

Aug 12, 2011
My latest addition to my guitar collection arrived, the Sabre Wraith prototype some of you may know from the Sabre facebook page.


Sorry for the crappy iphone quality.
Additional pics are on the Sabre homepage

Chris was nice enough to set up the beaut in drop b, so I could write a small track, You See The Flames.mp3

Need to optimize the set up ofc, but it already feels as great to play as my Ibby j.custom with far more sound options (5 way blade plus push-pull toggle to bypass tone pot).

So for 999 quid I am in happy new guitar land. There's a small chip at the back of the headstock and some belt rush, but nothing major.

Conclusion: If I hadn't already ordered a couple of customs, I know that Chris would definitely be my go to guy for my next guitar purchase. Aesthetically speaking it destroys the PRS USA SC Trem (non ten top) I owned for a year before selling it due to never beeing really happy with the tone.
Yeah, I know, a Ghost, wasn't it?
Anywhoo, I can feel your pain. Got another Skervesen which should be done by end of this month and still no news.
Awesome guitar!
Sabre guitars kick all sorts of ass in general, at least from the looks and experiences I heared so far