NGD: The Snakebyte has landed


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
A real PITA to photograph as its so shiny and lush!

Few cons ive noticed straight wont sit on a regular rack guitar stand & I didn't get a hard case even though I paid nearly double what somebody from the US would pay and they STILL get a hard case...not impressed.

But the actual guitar itself is immense....these don't do it justice....*at* all :loco:





Congrats mate :)
The first and last photos are so weird, looks like the top, unwound strings are EVEN THICKER tha the bottom strings if you look at the area where the pickups are haha
Haha yeah it does look that way Harry, its all in the light ;)

Must say for the price the quality control at ESP isn't exactly great....theres some "blemishes" on the paint work on areas of the neck where the fret dots go. Along with a bit of scuffing on one of the biggies and im sure ill end up wearing the finish on the neck off a little bit over time but still...geeeez!
A few bits that if anybodys considering buying one they might not have info on from other websites: *will be updated as I find* :p

- No tone knob, vol pot for neck and bridge pups.
- Can't "really" sit in the classical position with it.
More love for it than I expected! Though you can never go off the "pro" pictures the sites put up. It feels, plays & sounds like a weapon!

Lasse, thats fair....coming from a chap with a bright orange V with silver pickups ;) hehehe :Smokedev:
Congrats !
The only LTD ive got from the 4 i own that came with a hard case, was my Baritone Viper, even my top of the line Viper Bass didnt come with one and that was near on £800
All my ESPs came with them though.