Nick Drake Documentary

Jan 13, 2004
I was watching some of the Nick Drake doc "A Skin Too Few" on youtube, but I can't find it in its entirety anywhere. The film isnt available for purchase and as far as I know, they've just been screening it at festivals throughout the world.

Does anyone have the whole film/ know where to get it? It's really fantastic from what i've watched so far.
Well, come on... Depressions, drugs, some more depression... wait, there's a sun on the other side of the clouds! Oh, no, never mind... more depression, more drugs. Overdose. The end.
Why would I need to see anything else, seeing as I am perfectly capable of enjoying the music just as much as any of you without the visual aid?

And an artist's life isn't anything special worth watching, just because it's an artist. He was a man, just like you and me.
Awesome documentary! I have a copy of it and have watched it several times. It is very depressing but I highly recommend it if you are a big Drake fan.
I think i downloaded it at a while ago. It should be floating around the intarwebs somewhere.
It was sendspace, rapidshare, yousendit, or one of those. The link has probably been dead for months now.