Nicko got angry!!sued!

General Dildo

Smeller of flowers
Jul 4, 2003
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Iron Maiden Drummer Arrested After Hitting Man With Car
Publication date: 27 July 2003, 13:21:21 | Author: Chris.C

Jennifer Sinco Kelleher of Newsday is reporting that IRON MAIDEN drummer Nicko McBrain was arrested and charged with assault yesterday (July 26) after intentionally hitting a parking attendant with his car before a concert at the Tommy Hilfiger at Jones Beach Theater, state park police said.

Michael "Nicko" McBrain, 51, of London, was trying to enter the VIP parking lot in a black 2004 Jaguar at the theater when he began arguing with a parking attendant about 8:30 p.m., state park police Maj. Richard O'Donnell said.

McBrain was apparently miffed after the attendant, who didn't recognize the aging rocker, demanded to see a parking pass for the V.I.P lot outside the theater, said Maj. Richard O'Donnell of the New York State Park Police.

O'Donnell said McBrain arrived at Jones Beach around 8:30 p.m. for the group's concert, and was stopped as he entered the exclusive parking area.

After a confrontation with the 30-year-old worker over credentials, the park employee stood in front of McBrain's car, blocking the lot entrance.

"The employee said Mr. McBrain struck him in the legs," O'Donnell said.

The man backed up, but stayed in front of the car. McBrain, told him to "move or he would hit him again," O'Donnell said.

The man, 30, whose name was not released by the police, refused to budge, and McBrain surged the car forward again, nailing him and causing the man to fall forward on the car's hood.

State park police arrested McBrain and released him on an appearance ticket before the concert started. It is part of IRON MAIDEN's "Give Me Ed ... 'Til I'm Dead" tour.

McBrain was charged with third-degree assault and is scheduled to appear in First District Court in Hempstead Sept. 16, O'Donnell said. Representatives for IRON MAIDEN could not be reached last night :OMG:
"McBrain was apparently miffed after the attendant, who didn't recognize the aging rocker, demanded to see a parking pass for the V.I.P lot outside the theater, said Maj. Richard O'Donnell of the New York State Park Police."

Hmm, if that bit is true, then it's a bit out of order. The guy was doing his job. But then again, who knows, it's a pretty sue-happy country out there.
Alex999 said:
it's a pretty sue-happy country out there.

you have no idea how correct you are.

There are pricks that are a dime a dozen and would be respectful to other people if someone just held them by their feet over the edge of an overpass above a busy freeway for awhile and allowed them to reflect on their ways. If you do anything like that though you end up in jail or giving your house to them....or both

Thats why there are assholes everywhere today.
This doesn't sound like Nicko at all! It's certainly surprising if this is true!

It's a bit pathetic that the guy didn't recognise him when he was trying to park, when he was PERFORMING at the venue he was trying to get into!


I guess he was just doin his job though, and if it is as this report says, then Nicko was in the wrong!
I can't believe that a parking attendant would actually risk his body like that
Its not like his job is that important
Probably, Nicko pushed him aside or something and he made up the story
I can't believe Nicko would do that
WH! NCIKO WYH!1!1??1!
This sounds like arrogant behavior on Nicko's part. If any other well off person acted this childish over somebody not recognizing him then I'd think the guy was a self absorbed prick...all I can say about Nicko is he was ACTING like a self absorbed prick on that day.

Besides, we get the journalist side of the story, and I'm sure this is her "IMPORTANT" story so she is probably amplifying the details. WE'll never know what really happened.
Prowler121 said:
This sounds like arrogant behavior on Nicko's part. If any other well off person acted this childish over somebody not recognizing him then I'd think the guy was a self absorbed prick...all I can say about Nicko is he was ACTING like a self absorbed prick on that day.

No kidding. Nicko = J Lo