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Damn I have wanted to use that emoticon so badly.
I said Nikotiini single-handed destroyed a lot of the forum, she got COBOT deleted once in fact :lol: In fact everything bad that happened here, except the raids, can be traced back to her.
If laughing is such an unintellectual way of acting...:rolleyes:

I repeat. Stop trying to act tough on the internet like an angst-ridden, 13 year old girl. :rolleyes:
You are defending yourself from someone pointing out you laugh a lot, and jumped to attack him. It wasn't even an insult on you, just on observation, but doesn't matter, you act like a pussy and lash back then bitch about how often people argue here.

This is why the forum is dead, because as I've said (and someone sigged), people like you have no fucking balls and have PMS 3 times a month.
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