Nightingale Live on mp3 of the month

Timmeth said:
Alright, tell me what that says in English! :(

"Normalt brukar du ju tycka att jag är för snabb "
it means:
"normally you think that i am too fast"

they are refering to the mp3,who was recorded on the 17th of may and put online so fast

Nightingale live :hotjump: *d/ling*
*6,66 KB/seg* !!!!!!!!!! my ISDN connection is satanic :loco:
that piece of music made me very happy! Thanks! Hope to be able attending ProgPower Europe and see you there. But just in general many gigs of NG would be good, so my chances are higher to catch one ;)
Embla said:
May I add that that picture was taken by John :) He also photographed Tom Björn's gorgeous girlfriend a WHOLE LOT... I noticed when I checked the card in the camera!

*preparing a lock, a leash and a chastity belt*


Ahh, that pretty girl with long blonde hair? I saw them (Tom and his gf) in Orebro! Hmm but all girls in Sweden has long blonde hair...
Hey, great tune, I just wish I had been there for the gig... anyway, if you happen to have Black Tears from the gig recorded and there's no problem with copyrights and stuff it would be awesome if you put it up as the next mp3 of the month :) I mean, I love Nightingale, but that song just got me started on so much of the music I'm into today... I had been listening to all kinds of power and NWOBHM before that, but never any heavier stuff... that song changed it all, so it's a humble request from my side... :)

Oh, and Tom Nouga, please post a litte notice here the next time you play at Elsas Hus, 'cause I missed it this time! I saw a poster at the university 15 minutes before your gig started, so I had no time to go there to see the show.. would have been cool to hear some "Fönster"-stuff :)