New mp3 of the month at Tom

Hi there Unicorn! Nice new (?) avatar you`ve got there.. I sold my PC earlier this summer, and could not afford a new one before now.. Got it now though, so I guess I will see you guys often here in the following.

So, someone please update me on the latest news! Alive again, second sky...etc etc.. I see Dan posted a shirt-thread. Will some be printed?

Hi Dag! Great work on your latest album "Fönster". Some of the songs aren`t actually what I would call my cup of tea, but I find most of the album pretty amazing. I would say, for me, the title-track stands out as the best piece of music, along with "Kulturbidrag" and "Hiroo Onoda". Some great riffs there.

I was just wondering, the picture on the front cover, is that your neighbourhood? If so, where`s your flat? :)
Glad you like some of it. It used to be our neigbourhood for a couple of years 1968-70 i think. You can´t see our house but in one of the grey and high houses Dan had a flat conncted to Unisound. Lots of mean metalguys have lived there. Nowdays the whole area on the photo is whiped out and "nothing but grass remains"
The pix is from a postcard posted in -68