Alive again TEASER

Glad you like it folks !
And i agree: it´s the best sounding album Dan has produced
and the praises for the sound must go to him direct ( The great mastering guy, Peter In De Betou, did some small adjustments )
Then we have the famous picture.....You can always go to a darkwood with a painted face and look evil but nothing can beat reality...or the coming of old(er)age. 20 years ago Erik and I were skeletons ( Erik even had hair ):D
It sounds so damn good. You guys are always good. I wish that when I make music with my Brother, we will be as good as you guys. Anyways, thanks Tommy. You and Dan are always the best.
Originally posted by mattcira
uh oh... people want to read the lyrics? I guess I should make them readable in the artwork?? look out for the almighty Analcorpse... for he lurks....

Huh?? I don't "get" the analcorpse reference, someone enlighten me,

And don't even play with us Mattcira, if we can't read the lyrics we're gonna be PISSED. Hahaha ;)

Update: I've now heard the clip about 100 times and my favorite tracks are the second and fourth sections of the clip, for the vocals of course. :cool:
Dag: Which one of you Nightingale guys got Erik pregnant? Heheh.

Metal88: I think Analcorpse is a project that somehow involves Dan and members of Marduk and Dark Funeral. Judging by the band's name, I'd guess it's prog rock along the lines of Yes, with a hint of Gentle Giant. (That's a poor attempt at a joke.. I apologize).
Originally posted by Gurgelguff

Then we have the famous picture.....You can always go to a darkwood with a painted face and look evil but nothing can beat reality...or the coming of old(er)age. 20 years ago Erik and I were skeletons ( Erik even had hair ):D

So you mean that I'm old fat and bald??:waah:
Originally posted by Maron
So you mean that I'm old fat and bald??:waah:

Hej, Eric. Seen ur mate yesterday on tv, even made screenshot :lol:

remember to start bugging your localrecord store to have it in stock...tell your friends to go and ask for it....let the business men wake up...and stock some cool symph 'n' roll

I think a certain image with someones exposed backside still takes the crown in the "disturbing image" department.
;) :lol:
You´re supposed to talk about the music and not the picture :)
Maybe it´s was a bad idea to disturb you´r attention by puttin up this hot pix. Maybe Erik and i should join a boygroup "Fat street Nightingales" ?:D