Invisible Teaser

I really loved the heavy parts near the end of the teaser.
great to hear Dan using more power in his singing, gives it a little different sound.
but otherwise it also has the unique nightingale sound, even if it is more straightforward and simple.

It will be great!
The productions is very nice. I have a problem with some parts being a bit cheazy, but that has always been the case with nightingale for me, and every time I end up liking the whole record. I don't think a sample really do justice to this kind of music, it works better for "predictable" music, like a pure death metal record, in that case a teaser really shows "this is what you'll get". Don't get me wrong, of course DM can be diverse, but simply it's more "teaser-friendly".
I listened to the teaser 6 times (autorepeat).'s really a fucken good production. Sounds very very good ( done some growlparts to still alive ;) ).
The heavy parts at last are great. I think a little bit more heavier parts like in the end would be cool. Like doublebassparts from the drums and few dark parts (a grunt?! dark sounds out of hell?! the dark mind ?!) to have a contrast clear parts like at 2:22 (still alive). the end I thought if it would be with growlparts it would be like a another Moontower-Album. Don't get me wrong. That were only a few thoughts of me.

Can't wait for "Invisible" :) Invisible is now on "The most wanted list" of me ;)
IAmEternal said:
Ok, I just listened to the clip for the 3rd time and my opinion is completely reversed: IT"S FUCKING GOOD!

I experienced this as well. My favorite part is the slowest, towards the beginning of the teaser. "Never believed that they were real, just a fable" Maybe this album will compete with Alive Again. =)
I'm thinking it's gonna be quite different in the style of the music. Sounds like it so far. I like the guitar tone a LOT better, I never liked how the distorted guitars sound on Alive Again.
Even though Nightingale's changed a lot on every album, this one still has a bunch of classic moments just in this little clip! I can't wait for this thing now!:D:D

P.S. What ever happened to the possibility of a live DVD from the Cyprus show? That'd be amazing!
I still haven't heard back from the Cyprus people. I guess It will appear once the DVD production reaches human levels in GB per penny...and I think we're closer now than ever...I will try to get a license from Cyprus TV and release it a.s.a.p.
but it might take some time...
Dan Swanö said:
I still haven't heard back from the Cyprus people. I guess It will appear once the DVD production reaches human levels in GB per penny...and I think we're closer now than ever...I will try to get a license from Cyprus TV and release it a.s.a.p.
but it might take some time...

Wow. I wasn't expecting that, Dan :D Today has been a huge nostalgia trip fueled by Unicorn, Nightingale and Subway Mirror. Thank you, it's been great. I hope this thing does make it to DVD eventually. It'll be worth the wait.
Maybe it`s just me, but when I first heard the teaser I was thinking "this is something new, I`ve never heard Nightingale do something like this before". It fuckin rokz though, I can already tell that "still alive" will become another favourite of mine. Sounds like Priest/Whitesnake, with Dan on top of things :hotjump:

NICE artwork, album of the year for sure (for my concern), exxxxcelent vocals - Can`t wait to hear the full recording!!