
Iced In Flames

Jan 26, 2002
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Anyone heard this cd? Buncha dudes getting together to make a cd. Damn good stuff I thinks. The song Hero reminds me of In Flames. I love the begining of it. Any thoughts!?
Got it, great CD. The first two songs (The Tremor/The Glow OF The Setting Sun) are the best, but the whole CD is at least 8.5/10. one of the best of 2003.
Vocals (growls) - Tomas Lindberg (ATG)
Vocals (clean) - Tom S. Englund (Evergrey)
Lead Guitar - Gus G. (Dream Evil)
Lead Guitar - Marios Iliopaulos (Exhumation)
Bass Guitar - Brice Leclercq
Drums - Per M. Jensen (The Haunted)

I think that's it.
I saw their first show this summer in Gothenburg and it was great, Nick Barker was on drums and Marius did the clean vocals on one number They did the first 9 songs on the album
the album kills Tom Englund could've sung a few melodies more
but I´m not complaining
now that Nick Barker left shitty Dimmu, maybe he will join them permamently who knows...
I think they should have used Englund's vocals more; the two singers work really well when they are both used. Linberg does tend to grate a bit on this album for me as much as I love his work with ATG.
commandante said:
now that Nick Barker left shitty Dimmu, maybe he will join them permamently who knows...

You are fucking joking right? ....Shitty Dimmu... you better be.
why should I be joking? for me Dimmu is a talentless jokeband who hide their craptacular instrumental skills under average orchestral compositions, whereas for example a band like Emperor rises to superiority using the majesty of strings. so yeah, for me bands like Dimmu and CoF are a talentless bunch... If you want to listen to some good black metal in that vein, listen to Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, Prometheus and then compare it to Dimmu's albums...
Hey bud, I loooooove Emperor. I mean how can someone not. Its the biggest shame they broke up. And I have to agree with you 110% about CoF completely sucking ass, I fuckin hate them. But I do not believe Dimmu is a band. They have a good sound in my oppinion, specially the older albums. They also put on a pretty damn sweet show. I believe compared to a lot of other bands, they are damn good.
I JUST heard about this band today and checked them out, amazing. That whole album is great, Tomas is good as usual. It seems like ever band Tomas was in was amazing, At The Gates, The Crown, Nightrage, never really heard Lock0up before.
"Dimmu is a talentless jokeband who hide their craptacular instrumental skills under average orchestral compositions, whereas for example a band like Emperor rises to superiority using the majesty of strings"

That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard honestly :)

I personally like Dimmu better. I dont like most of their stuff but I cannot stand Emperor. Songs start coo then its just wanking and screaming. I wrote my own shitty black metal song thanks to them. It turned out quite funny!
Sweet Vengeance was a great cd, but not the savior of Melodic Death metal that some people have said. If you put it next to the lackluster releases this year by Soilwork and Arch Enemy, (Trigger doesnt count, only an EP) Sweet Vengeance was godly. Tom can actually sing so the clean vocals really do accentuate the songs rather than bring them down or just jumble it all up. Good album, reccomended.

Iced: You know what is funny? Comparing Dimmu and Emperor and coming out with the decision that Dimmu is better... YOU are the dumbest person ever...