Nightwish - Dark Passion Play


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Anyone think this album sounds pretty fucking huge? I'm not sure about my opinion on the vocals yet, I kinda like them, but she also sounds really young, but they're growing on me. The mix sounds massive though, I'm really glad they're continuing with the darker style they started with on Once.
For those who doesn't care for the new vocalist or vocals at all, there's a 2cd-version available, that has the album also as instrumental.
I actually think the orchestra sounds amazing, but the mix is pretty bad, could have been a thousand times better, the drums and guitars lack power and the vocals lack presence, like they have been filtered way too high, plus the low end seems to distort at times.
The drums sounded particularly powerful to my ears, so I'm suprised to hear you say that Brett. Didn't notice the low end clipping, but I was listening last night on cans, I'll see later on if I can hear it on my monitors.
Sounds awesome, and the album before "Once", too.
I don't like singers of Nightwish, neither this new one nor Tarja. I think they should have a male vocalist. The bass player sings good!

And cheese ballads suck.
I hate it. Just like I hate the rest of their discography. The whole band leaves a taste in mu mouth akin to really cheap bubblegum. The went from having one of the most annoying and overhyped vocalist in the world to a really boring one.
I wonder how much it cost to pay for the orchestra, and record it at Abbey Road of all places...
When you have a gazillion 14 year old goth/emo/wannabe fans, jumping around in their bedroom pretending to be Tarja or what's her name... Does it really matter?
I had pretty low expectations of this from hearing the clips a while back. But after getting it, the music hit me right away. Really huge sounding, but like said above, there's some audible distortion. The CD is starting to grow on me, but it just lacks the power of the way Tarja sang on "Once" (one of my favorite CD's from a song writing & production point of view). At times she sounds okay, other times she sounds like Kelly Clarkson, and other times (sorry Annette) she sounds like a little chipmunk lost in that huge, heavy mix. But songs like "Bye Bye Beautiful" and "Cadence of Her Last Breath" are catchy as hell! It was the combination of Nightwish and Tarja that introduced many people to metal that wouldn't normally listen to it. Even my wife (a non-metal person) insists that the "Once" CD stays in the car and now loves Marco's screaming. There's hope for her yet. LOL Love the music, still trying to give the new singer a chance.
I really like the new vocalist. Cant say shes better than Tarja but shes sufficient. The orchestras sound gorgeous :worship:
As a long time nightwish fan i must say that i'm really happy that tarja had to leave. I just couldn't stand one more record with her voice. I think Anette's voice is great. Sure it sounds more like "pop-metal", but so what? She and Marcos voices complement each other in a whole different way than Tarjas.
brett... c'mon...

mix/prod is pretty good.... like brett, i'd have done a few things different.. but fuck it, it works as is. every album doesn't have to be mixed perfect or as i would have done it for me to enjoy it.

and you know what.. i FINALLY like this band... the old singer's voice was annoying... this chick is much better and not like a kid at all to me.

and the low end doesn't distort on a proper system, ;) , at least not on track one which i'm listening too now on my Genelec 8050A's & 7070A sub.