Nightwish Feature on


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
As I promised all the Nightwish fans at the Fairfield, the feature is now up on
We tried to get it up before ProgPower but the material we had was just too massive. o_O

This feature includes:
An introduction to NW for those not yet familiar with the band
A review of the Once album
Interviews with Tuomas, Jukka and Marco
Reviews of the NY and Mass. shows as well as a link to a review of the release party in Kitee, Finland.
Absolutely tons of fantastic photos (Dave rocks!) including some super close-ups from the NY and Mass shows and some great ones of Lullacry as well. There are also quite a few fan photos, so if you were there, check it out and see if we snapped you.

Also a special treat:
A feature on John Two-Hawks, the Indian on "Creek Mary's Blood" as well as the (nearly) full interview transcript with him. (We talked for nearly an hour and a half!) He is an incredibly talented and fascinating musician. Check him out.

There is also a complete transcript of the interview with Tuomas in Seattle. He said some pretty emotional stuff about Marc Brueland. Well worth the read.

There are links at the top to bring you to each section if you don't have the patience to read the whole thing and large versions of most photos. Just click on them. Enjoy everyone!

Yea, that's me in the mirror with my bra strap hanging down. Sloppy. At least it's black!:tickled:
:hotjump: Freakin sweet, man. How in the hell did you get John Two Hawks to give an interview? How does one even go about finding John Two Hawks? LOL. Anyway, I thought the feature was freakin sweet. :worship: Did I read incorrectly or is there still no word on when the next go around of American shows will be?
It's looking like they'll be back in the spring, March or April.

As for Two-Hawks, I went to his website
hit the "contact" link and e-mailed him. His wife, Peggy, got back to me in about 20 minutes and we set something up within an hour. He is a super nice and extremely fascinating guy. We talked for well over an hour. You really should check him out.

BTW, all the station greetings from the ProgPower bands are currently up on the radio.
It sure is fun hearing the guys talk on the air, especially for those of us in ProgPower Withdrawel. (sucks, don't it?)