Nightwish KO's Jersey Gig


OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005
For those of you who have tickets to the Nightwish show at Starland Ballroom on May 5th should make other plans. Seems like the shipping company canceled a flight from Mexico City that was delivering the backline. In a statement from Ewo:

Webmaster Jarmontieto wrote on board:

I just received confirmation from Ewo:

We were forced to cancel the first US show because the only suitable
cargo flight from Mexico City was just recently cancelled.

We are all really sorry about this, but no backline = no show.


- Webmaster -


Sucks to be us. However, the rest of the gigs are still on.

Ray C.

Good thing I'm going to Poughkeepsie. Sucks for anyone wanting to see them in NYC though :(
I dunno, I'm driving up to Poughkeepsie from the Jersey Shore. It'll take me about 2.5 hours. It's quite a bit closer from NYC.

Bummer about the NJ show, though. That was just a few miles from me. I had a whole posse of people coming with me to that one. Would be nice if they could reschedule it, but their playing in the Nokia in Sept. so not likely they'll hit Jersey too.
I dunno, I'm driving up to Poughkeepsie from the Jersey Shore. It'll take me about 2.5 hours. It's quite a bit closer from NYC.

Bummer about the NJ show, though. That was just a few miles from me. I had a whole posse of people coming with me to that one. Would be nice if they could reschedule it, but their playing in the Nokia in Sept. so not likely they'll hit Jersey too.

Oops. I'm so used to saying NYC when I meant NJ. Poughkeepsie is an hour & a half away from me. Seeing them at the Chance is a wonderful change of pace (even though the sound system isn't nearly as good as most NYC venues).
Sucks for anyone who had tickets already. I considered this show but with so much going on in my life right now plus a lot of other concerts I am going to in the next few months I decided it was better to wait for the show with Sonata Arctica at Nokia Theatre. I am truly amped for that one.
The moral of the story?

When booking a major tour, particularly one involving international movement, always schedule the first date in a B-market venue. That way, if there are logistical problems getting materiel to the gig, or if you have complicated sequences or whatnot that need to be tried out in a live setting the first time, you're only killing off, say, Pensacola Fla instead of Miami or New York or L.A.

Case in point: Rush, who historically booked the first show on any given tour into a downmarket, say, the Pensacola Civic Center. :)
Poor Pensacola....what did they ever do to you? :p


Well, nothing, but on that particular tour -- for Counterparts -- Rush began their big worldwide tour there in Pensacola.

For two reasons: a) to iron out any bugs that manifested in their complicated live show (and there were several), and b) case things went wrong, they wouldn't be in front of the 'big guns' of the music press like they would be in, say, NYC or LA.

It was a great show, in a relatively small venue. :headbang:
Another one bites the dust:
06.05.2008 - Tonight's show in Hartford is cancelled !!

Just a few minutes ago, the band's management sent the following message: "The Mexico City airport staff left the four most important cases of our backline in Mexico, so the show tonight in Hartford will be cancelled. We are very, very sorry about this, but there is nothing we can do without certain pieces of our own gear."
Another one bites the dust:
06.05.2008 - Tonight's show in Hartford is cancelled !!

Just a few minutes ago, the band's management sent the following message: "The Mexico City airport staff left the four most important cases of our backline in Mexico, so the show tonight in Hartford will be cancelled. We are very, very sorry about this, but there is nothing we can do without certain pieces of our own gear."

Wow, I was supposed to go to that too. Glad I didn't buy tickets now.
Another one bites the dust:
06.05.2008 - Tonight's show in Hartford is cancelled !!

Just a few minutes ago, the band's management sent the following message: "The Mexico City airport staff left the four most important cases of our backline in Mexico, so the show tonight in Hartford will be cancelled. We are very, very sorry about this, but there is nothing we can do without certain pieces of our own gear."

Moral of this story is:

Do not plan a tour into or out of Mexico on or within a week of Cinco De Mayo, this is the biggest drunk party west of Madi Gras, and nothing gets done, and if it does only half-ass. Better yet don't do a tour in Mexico period right now, with all the blood feuds and drug cartels going at it, it is more dangerous than Iraq.
*crosses fingers everything is settled by tomorrow*
Going to need to keep an eye on the blabbermouth RSS & NW's website before we drive an hour and a half and find the show canceled.
Dumb question: Why didn't Nightwish send their equipment directly into JFK from Finland? There has to be cargo flights direct to the US from Finland.
*crosses fingers everything is settled by tomorrow*
Going to need to keep an eye on the blabbermouth RSS & NW's website before we drive an hour and a half and find the show canceled.
Yea, is this a cliff-hanger or what? I've got a 2.5 hour drive, a non-refundable hotel and a bunch of people meeting up. We're all in a bit of a frenzy. I need to leave here by 14:00 latest; when will we know? I'm screwed on the room no matter what, and as always, I'm the one who fronted for it. (sigh) Story of my life.

Of course I don't blame the band, but please let us know ASAP! At least I don't want to head out and spend the gas and find it's all for nothing.

I think you have a point, Pyramaze51; Cinco de mayo may have sunk our ship. :)

btw, I checked and 17 carriers had flights from Mexico City to JFK today. Hopefully, whatever carrier screwed NW will have put their shit on someone else's flight.
Yea, is this a cliff-hanger or what? I've got a 2.5 hour drive, a non-refundable hotel and a bunch of people meeting up. We're all in a bit of a frenzy. I need to leave here by 14:00 latest; when will we know? I'm screwed on the room no matter what, and as always, I'm the one who fronted for it. (sigh) Story of my life.

Of course I don't blame the band, but please let us know ASAP! At least I don't want to head out and spend the gas and find it's all for nothing.

I think you have a point, Pyramaze51; Cinco de mayo may have sunk our ship. :)

btw, I checked and 17 carriers had flights from Mexico City to JFK today. Hopefully, whatever carrier screwed NW will have put their shit on someone else's flight.

I would have to believe it was either AeroMexico or Mexicana airlines, but then again it could have been Delta or American.