
Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Saw this firsat thing this morning:


In the midst of recording a new album, Nightwish has been preparing a movie.
"Imaginarium" is a music fantasy - film based on the forthcoming Nightwish album of the same title and its 13 songs.
The protagonist of the film is a songwriter with an otherworldly imagination. He is an old man who still thinks he`s a young boy. While asleep he travels into his distant past where his dreams of old come back to him mixed to the young boy`s world of fantasy and music.
In his dreams the old man fights to find the memories most important to him.

This never-done-before project originates to more than two years in the past when Tuomas first introduced his ambitious idea of the Imaginarium - concept to the fellow band members and to Mr. Stobe Harju, the director behind "The Islander" - music video. He will be the director of this full-length feature. The film will be produced by Solar Films Inc. together with Nightwish.

The shootings for "Imaginarium" will begin this spring, it will have its premiere in 2012 and the album it`s based on will be released in an undefined point in time.
Nightwish will hold a press conference related to this project at the end of February.

That's a really cool idea, though I am not surprised by the concept behind it. Tuomas' obsession with Disney-like adventures with a dark twist is clearly shown. This feels like it's gonna be like a new, darker Peter Pan adventure. Think Peter Pan's new movie going the direction they went with Pan's Labyrinth or the latest Alice in Wonderland movie.

I wanna see more details about this, and obviously want to check it when it comes out. I just know one thing: the score will most likely rule.
The blue color scheme looks a lot like the guy who did the last Nightwish and Tarot covers.

The graphic artist behind this poster is Janne Pitkänen, better known as Toxic Angel He created the graphic art for Nightwish's DVD "End of an Era" and for the CD "Dark Passion Play" but his works have been all over NW's merchandise since "Once" was released. Actually he has worked a longer periond with Tarot, starting with "Suffer Our Pleasure".

The movie project sounds really interesting. A movie based on the upcoming concept album and the songs on it, not the other way round. Will we get a match to Alan Parker's "The Wall"? It's about time, don't you think? :Smokedev:

If it'll be anything in the veins of their video "The Islander" by the same director Stobe Harju and Lapland Studios who created the awesome CGI effects for the video, then the movie will be a visual blast.

I'm pretty sure Mastodon has been trying to do the same thing with Crack The Skye. There's no way in hell either or will come close to "The Wall."
If any album-to-movie shit happens, I would seriously hope that any comparisons to The Wall just get right the hell out of the house. Nobody's trying to build another Wall. This looks like it could be interesting but given how i feel pretty meh about nightwish in general...I shall keep my expectations on the low end.

Crack the Skye and The Wall, are both my least favorite albums from their respective artists.
Although I really liked the video for The Islander, I see this as a disaster in the making. Making a music video and making a full-length, feature film are two totally different things. In a film, there has to be a story that keeps your interest, as well as dialog, acting, etc. If any of them fail, the whole thing fails.

That said, the concept seems pretty good, so I'd like to see it be really good.

I think this could be really cool and make the even bigger - or come off just totally lame and just fall flat. I know Tuomas loves movie scores, so this was probably his way to show his talent and bridge into that realm as well.

But like mentioned before - a huge difference between just a music video and a full length movie. I checked the directors website and I'm only seeing music videos on his resume as well.

Some basic questions come to mind like how will they fund this? I know Nightwish is big - but it'd seem like they need some serious cash invested just to get a 'quality' movie done.

There's more - but as Nightwish is in my top 3 bands ever so I'm trying to remain positive. I'm not actually surprised either cause they kept saying there was something totally different and unexpected in the works. After the last two albums...I'm not really sure either how they could really push themselves more epic unless just having Hans Zimmer compose with Tuomas.

I just worry they might be taking off more than they can chew here and it backfiring. I mean it's definitely a cool concept - but I kinda wish Nightwish would just focus on what they do best - kick ass music.

If they delay the album to 2012 to coincide with this too...@(*&!!!!
The music itself should be top notch as I throughly enjoyed Dark Passion Play and if they continue in this vein of music then I don't see it being a misstep. However the concept of making a movie around this story is another thing entirely. I hope that the story is as strong as it needs to be in order to make this project come to fruition. I love the fact that Tuomas is pursuing his ambitious ideas, but I hope that he doesn't end up with his dreams dashed in the end. I wait with bated breath to see how this turns out in the end.
That cover art is fantastic, I love the hospital wrist tag. The Islander video was really well done, I only wish I could find it in 1080P to watch on my big ass TV.

I'm looking forward to the CD they release regardless of the movie, If they can pull the concept off that will be great.
This sounds fascinating. The idea and the artwork are intriguing. Regardless of the script and movie production, the score is likely to kick major ass. I can't wait to see how this evolves. Leave alone the idea of comparing it to any other production, let's just see how it turns out. Tuomas has been pointed down this path for awhile and I'm anxious to see how he does with it. It will be his frosh foray, so there's bound to be glitches and criticism, but I think it's an excellent step towards future endeavors. Again, the score will clearly kick ass and I hope the screen play turns out decent enough for him to continue to grow and explore that artistic outlet.
This sounds like it could be REALLY cool. And yeah, early comparisons of a movie tie-in to The Wall are pretty damned silly.


Pretty much exactly what popped into my head first, too. :)

The blue color scheme looks a lot like the guy who did the last Nightwish and Tarot covers.

This. And, of course, with good reason. :)