Nintendo themes a capella.....priceless!

Just when I thought I knew mario 3...I was all wrong, for as fake as it might be... the guy knew it very well! I wonder how one could slow down the game and make the video run at normal speed? Also, if he didn't lose time jumping on top of cannon balls, he'd beat the game in a little less time!
morningstar said:
Also, if he didn't lose time jumping on top of cannon balls, he'd beat the game in a little less time!
Eh I don't think so, he only seemed to do that in the levels where the screen scrolled automatically at a constant speed.... so he just kept jumping on top of things to pass the time while it scrolled.

As for the recording thing, I think some emulators have a type of "digital" recording option that records the memory in the ROM while someone plays so that it could be replayed in the emulator, i.e., it records the sequence of controller input as opposed to recording an actual video file. This way he could have modified the speed to his liking, messed with save states, etc while recoding one of these files. Then he just replays the sequence at normal speed while making a real video of it, so the resulting video looks completely normal.
Hope that made sense, heh.
Trey Parker said:
believe this:


hahaha wow
Dhalaren said:
The blindfolded piano video is insane, very talented person, but it looks they sped up the ending. It seriously looks like they put it on fast motion, anyone have any opinions on that because it boggles my mind someone playing at that speed. It's about the last minute or so.

Nope. The guy actually plays it that fast.
Go here:

In the videos section there's another clip where he plays it with metronome clicking in the background.