NJ USA odenist chruch


New Metal Member
Dec 24, 2006
If anyone is interested in joining an odenist church in northern NJ email me at elbarto@optonline.net. We meet twice a week and are registered with the United States Government so we are legit. We just had the winter solstice/rising of Balder/ yule ceremony on Saturday. There was lots of home made meed a good feast awesome ceremony and a rune chat for good health. Anyone interested should check it out we don't want money it is all free all we ask is that you bring some food or drink. u get the idea... By the way my name is Kurt. When you email me leave something in the subject bar so i will know what it is about.
Thats pretty cool... but i thought the title meant an odenist church/temple was built in NJ :p
I was supposed to go to a pagan winter solstice with my association down here but i had other plans so i couldn't go :(
we are in elmwood park off of rt 80 by the marcal paper plant. if you are interested let me know we are going to be meeting in 2 weeks from now.
trust me you will have a blast!
we are in elmwood park off of rt 80 by the marcal paper plant. if you are interested let me know we are going to be meeting in 2 weeks from now.
trust me you will have a blast!

I live in E.P. , you meet at the J.O.U.A.M. hall.........

being heathen already, I would like to know a little more about you before I commit to attending. message me and I will give you my email.
I think this whole thing here is only ridiculous! To believe in, let's now fast only say Oden and then to call it USA Odenist Church is so stupid...
Had our ancestors an organized church?NO!
Nothing against organized groups, who are interested in the believe, but if you call it a "Church", it's not better than the Christian Church...

Ancient believe has nothing to do with an organized church!

Probalbly your members must pay church taxes, too....hehe
Nah, that's one thing I'm pretty sure we don't have here, church taxes. I pay no money to any church, never have, and likely never will. Then again, I live in the state what's school board has tried to promote Creationism as actual science. :OMG:
Odenist church is like saying Jewish mosque.
Sure you could learn the folk Faith from books and such but how do you know that the people who wrote the books know any thing about what the hell they are talking about? The term odenist church is used generically. What we do is not the same as what goes on in a mono theist church at all we mostly teach new members about the folk Faith share our thoughts on the gods times runes and other things. Any true follower of paganism should not be bashing others who follow the same Faith just because they have organized gatherings (our ancestors had the all father once a year only because there was great distances to travel and lost lots time to meet with the other elders of neighbor tribes, I bet if they had mass transit they would have met once a week maybe more!). To me that sounds like jealousy. One of our main purposes is to spread the Faith to others of European decent and try to bring back the glory of a forgotten religion. You may not know but some 70-90% of white Europeans don't believe in the catholic church and don't attend on church Sundays. More people in Europe go to mosque on Friday nights then church on Sunday. It is happening in the USA now too. Slowly but surely Americans are going to follow suite with their European brothers. The response ability of all pagans, odenists, asatru, vrilologists, or what ever else you call your self should be to bring back to our lost brothers and sisters the power of the gods! Now don't get me wrong I am not some freak that thinks we should all dress up as the gods and stuff I am a regular Joe. Me my self I have been a pagan for all my life. I have read and studied more books then I can remember. I have talked to and went to lectures of many experts on the subject. Keeping to your self about paganism at work is fine because of discrimination but not meeting with others is foolish! Our ancestors used to have rune masters in their villages that they would consult with almost on a daily basis. Besides violence how else do you think that the Christians got our ancestors to convert to the new religion? They adopted the pagan rituals, symbols, and practices. Just like the all father(church)! Not only at the all father did the master read all the laws of the land and pass judgment and punishments like our modern courts they also held ceremonies or "church" if you like? If you want to know more about our group then you can click on this link and read more about our group: www.vrilology.com. Our vril master Robert Blumetti is the owner of the site he has written many books on the subject. He has studied the religion for 35 years or so and there are tons of interesting info on the site.
He is also a respected authority in the field of indo-European pagan religion.

And no we don't charge money from our members! That is against the folk Faith! To commune the gods is honor enough! We all must make sacrifices once in a while it is a part of life! Besides if you are a true follower of the Faith you will know that personal wealth is OK as long as you share it with the community your friends and family! To our people greed is frowned upon!
I believe it is true to my faith to gather all the wisdom I can. That is what an Odinswoman does. So, I will ask a few questions, just for my own benefit. Yes or no answers will suffice.

1. Judging from the wording of your post, you are attempting to further a political cause by way of religion. Is this true?

2. Are you refering to the same Blumetti that wrote the e-books about scientists implanting microchips into Hitler's brain?

3. Does the music that my brother and his band play sound to you like this is a forgotten religion that needs saving by you and your friends?

4. If I were to attempt to correct a number of factual errors in your post, would you try to understand, learn and maybe research the issues farther?
Sorry, you posted as I was editing. I re-formulated the sentence to make myself clearer while you were responding. I was just asking because of the wordning you used in the post.
Edit:Actually, that was rude of me - I forgot to introduce myself (Hi, I'm Tyra of the Irminsul Aettir) and to say thank you for the invite. It's nice to see someone extend the hospitality.
I just need to know those things before I go about telling people in your area about your invite, since I don't really know who you are either.
You could enlighten the rest of us as to where the errors lie.

I don't mean to be a pain in the ass... but you know a lot of things I find to be of interest, and I'm a greedy bastard when it comes to knowledge. ;)
It's kind of besides the point right at this moment. Runemaster stated in his post that he has read more books than he can remember, and that he's attended classes and such. So I figured he'd automatically know how things work when a new guest arrives at the hall. Think of this as my brother's (Johan's) hall. Think of Runemaster as the new guest. It is my job as thyle to answer the question as stated in stanza #2 of the Havamal in order to establish who Runemaster assembles closer, Beowulf or Grendel. This is a time honoured tradition, and it is how you know friend from foe in Norse circles. With a name like Runemaster, he ought to be familiar with how the thyle should, as part of his or her duties, unbind beadu-runes to protect his or her king, kin or, in my case, family, when a new gest, like Runemaster, enters the hall.