No American Bands at PPVI...Is this true? Then NO ENCHANT?


Dec 5, 2003
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I saw mention of this on another forum and if that's the case, then that means there's no Enchant this year......
And most likely that means no Enchant (a band with 9 full length releases, a live double DVD set, and several guest performances on compilations) in lieu of bands that have one album, no history, no staying power, and most likely flashes in the pan......along with some major headliners...
If there's no Enchant this year, then I assume there's no hope in the future for this band which is a damn shame.
How much publicity and fan demand on this board and others does it take for this highly underrated band to get a break?

Glenn, I know this is your gig, but come on, help a brother out. I know some may consider Enchant not to be power, and to some not even metal, but they sure are prog and I consider them metal....

Damn, I hope what I heard is wrong.

Metal enough for me. Listening to some mp3s. Fairly good. They are kind of like a cross of Genesis and Dream Theatre to me. Whatever that means.
Here's the deal. Enchant has been considered in the past, but have been up against other progressive bands that I have preferred. It's also hard for me to consider a band that has performed at Nearfest because it (fair or not) corners them with the prog rock label. Hell, a google search for their home page comes back with a "prog rock" description.

That said, I do think they deserve a spot one year based on recent discussions on this board. However, their last studio release was 2003. I need a more recent release before I consider them seriously.

I know you are a fanboy, but sorry.

Glenn H.

P.S. I also announced in that "rules" thread that I had to break a few of the original ones as some things did not work out.
Harvester said:
P.S. I also announced in that "rules" thread that I had to break a few of the original ones as some things did not work out.

Is this a hint that it was indeed the "No US bands" rule that has been broken??

Just look at my signature or avatar to see who I hope that US band is. :)

Maybe Zero Hour, that would be good, or just maybe OUTWORLD on the main stage. or hope beyond Hope MAGNITUDE 9.
Oh i am sorry to hear that. I guess i will have to be satisfied with just the CDs. Any chance of OUTWORLD on the main stage or is that a no-go also, just curious.
Petethedrummer said:
Even if they arent on this year's progpower, that in no way counts them out for future years

Exactly, I can't even begin to count the number of bands reccommended
to Glenn this year, and every year. God knows I've been on the Freak Kitchen campaign for a few years. Year after year, the lineups are announced, and no FK, but I keep holding out hope that if not the current year, maybe the year after they'll catch Glenn's ear, the stars align, the timing & availability works out and they get an oppertunity to play. The fest isn't a democracy. Enchant IS a great band, and I'd really like to see them play, but there are SO many variables involved that sometimes it just can't get done. I have faith in Glenn, as I've said a zillion times before, and there has not been ONE Prog Power that disappointed me overall line up-wise. Every year has been worth the trip for me.....

Holy shit, I made a serious post... :headbang:

Yeah, Freak Kitchen would be sweet. That's who I'm going to push for next since Glenn is OBVIOUSLY going to fulfill my request for Pretty Maids this year. :)
I know that Enchant has done some recording in the studio, for the new album, so there is hope for a future PP appearance. And thanks Glenn, for sharing your thoughts about Enchant. It's good to know that there has been some consideration and that they're not definitely counted out.

As far as the possibility of the "No US band" rule being broken, and if it can't be Enchant this year, then I'd vote for Redemption to get a slot! Glenn, what did you think about Redemption's "The Fullness of Time" album? I know that it kicked my ass! With such well written lyrics and music, and being listed as Progressive Power Metal, they'd have to be a consideration for some year of PP!
Harvester said:
P.S. I also announced in that "rules" thread that I had to break a few of the original ones as some things did not work out.

I don't remember Glenn saying that he had to break a "few" of the rules. I thought he said one of the rules. Is this another clue, or did I miss something?

Enchant - Blink of a (fuckin') eye!!:headbang:
Meanmistreator said:
I don't remember Glenn saying that he had to break a "few" of the rules. I thought he said one of the rules. Is this another clue, or did I miss something?

Enchant - Blink of a (fuckin') eye!!:headbang:
Yeah I caught that too. We'll see how many rules were broken in the up coming weeks!
Glenn - thanks for the direct comments about ENCHANT - some of us hardcore fans really appreciate your candidness - and understand your position.

(I will throw in <funny> that after playing NEARFEST, alot of people there considered them possibly too heavy compared to the other bands, dropping them into a no-man's land between 'not light enough for Nearfest and not heavy enough for Progpower')

Well those of us who have seen them live know they can rock and rock loud. And I was happy to see so many people come out in that thread to support the band. :headbang:

In the end, it is your festival and you make the calls - and your guidelines have worked in the past and worked damn well. Making this one of the premiere US festivals of its type if not THE premiere US festival.

However it goes down, you always put together a HELL of a good time and a great show :worship: and even if I am really only fired up to see FOUR out of the ten bands, I ALWAYS have a blast and discover at least ONE new band that I find I like.

Just keep on keepin' on, man.... Sept can't get here fast enough. :hotjump:
their new album very well may be out by the time of PP (PoS..BE in 2004?)

even if not..they released a double live cd and dvd in 2004..and the did some touring in Europe (NOT THE US) in it's not like they've been on hiatus since TUG OF WAR came out summer of 2003.

the thing is with the NF thing..I honestly don't follow exactly why there is issue with a band playing one and not the of Salvation played at ProgDay in 2001..and for that matter..why can't they be primarily a Progressive Rock band?

this is kinda the issue I personally have with..well..let's say many fans...putting things into a nice little compartmentalized box on a genre. At some point for me, I find it more enjoyable to hear a band that doesn't sound like "prog" or "power"..I can't exactly say they sound like another band at all. This band Pure Reason Revolution I was introduced to in the last month..sure they have some influence from Porcupine Tree..but I've never heard anything quite like them..Harmony vocals in the vein of Fairport Convention or The Beach Boys..crescendoing into riffs as heavy as Tool..and a modern sounding spacey-pop edge..they do get heavy at times..but since this is a "Prog" festival..and they have played at South By Southwest..I wonder if one of these festivals would even consider booking them.

they can still blow me away even if they aren't "Prog"

Harvester said:
That said, I do think they deserve a spot one year based on recent discussions on this board. However, their last studio release was 2003. I need a more recent release before I consider them seriously.

I know you are a fanboy, but sorry.

Glenn H.

Thanks for the response Glenn. You know I appreciate your work and efforts and certainly your ability to put on a great show. I always am interested in bands there.....but here's my take on it.....
I am a businessman like you with this show. Obviously it's your show and you get the pick the bands of course, but like you have said in the past, certain bands need to make you money or at least be a good VALUE. I don't do promotional shows for a living I know, but I do know return on investment and cost analysis......and surely Enchant would not be a large cost to you since their touring demand is probably pretty minor in the world of maybe they come cheap...just a guess. Secondly, they're on Inside Out, which if I am not mistaken is a sponsor. Surely a show sponsor getting one or multiple bands on your stage would cut you a deal, making them a better value paired up with another Inside Out labelmate. Third, there's the shipping and travel from this continent has to be a lot cheaper to ship than overseas. Travel for them would most likely be cheaper as well. Fourth, there's the currency exchange factor in your favor. The Euro is killing the US dollar, so having one or two bands from the US that are hard to see touring is not a bad thing when it comes to the value again. Your US dollar goes further with a US cost rather than a European cost. Fifth, the demand from fans to see this band has seemed to get pretty high over the last few years which makes them a sure thing for ticket sales based on a lot of posts I have seen around here. I mean, it IS just one band out of ten. Small chance to take financially if they aren't that big of a sales draw. Sixth and finally, they DO have a new album coming out this year and I thought that was the last qualification for a band to make it on the roster (discarding extenuating circumstances of course like Conception.) So with a new album this year, why not?

As you can see, I have thought this out pretty well and I thought they were a sure bet this year. So it's not that I am JUST an Enchant fanboy, it just seems like good business. :)

But thanks anyways. Maybe next year eh?
