No classes + boredom = mic'ing up 2x12(?)


Feb 20, 2005
Welp, I left my Stiletto cab at my parents' house cuz more than likely that's the area where I'm gonna find a buyer for it (NYC suburb), so I only have my 2x12 with me ATM (check out my extremely brief picstory outlining my project to get it in its current rear-mounted state). I mic'ed the top V30, and for some reason it still has that cloudiness I associate with front-mounted speakers; maybe it's because it's technically in a 1x12 chamber (as you can see in the pics) so that sound is perhaps actually more the result of 1x12's than front-mounting (though it still was worse when it was front-mounted ;)) I'm probably gonna go nuts and cut out that middle horizontal panel dividing the cab in half, and also cover up those vents in the baffle on the bottom half; we shall see! And I'll mic the CL80 up some other time :D

Here's a link (now with two mp3's in the zip file, one totally raw, one with a cut at 1.2k, see post 32 for more info) - and the chain was the usual TS7 --> 2 ch. Dual Rec (Red channel) and I used one SM57 (the only mic I own at this point :lol: ) into my Onyx Satellite. Pretty sure I used my EC-400 with an 81 in the bridge for the DI's also, cuz I recorded 'em a few months ago
And while I'm decently happy with the tone considering the cab, the main purpose was a) for the hell of it and b) to illustrate that the cab DEFINITELY makes a difference, even with the same speaker! And at least it's not wooly :D
I think it sounds good! Few questions, 1) I assume you closed the second half of that yourself, has it made a lot of difference? and whats the CL80 like? If you've ever mic'd it before that is!
Thanks guys! Yeah, I agree it doesn't have the stuffiness/wooliness of the Stiletto, but it does have that cloudiness I'm really not a fan of that I guess results from such small enclosure - I'll have to hit up the Home Depot tool rental section for some kinda saw to get rid of that pesky board dividing the top and bottom chambers. And James, I haven't tried mic'ing the CL80 yet, but my impressions from moving my head up and down between it and the V30 are that it's a bit fuller and flatter than the V30, which might not necessarily be a good thing (cuz I love the V30 :D) - I'll mic it up some time in the future, but I wouldn't fully guage the sound of any speaker in this cab! :erk: And it's 16 ohms, so I wouldn't be able to drop it in a Mesa cab either; oh well!

Oh, and sealing the top didn't really increase any bass tightness cuz there wasn't much to begin with, but it definitely greatly improved the focus and projection of the tone! And it's a 3/4" piece of birch plywood too, gotta stay consistent :D
Wow...what a fucking defined rythm sound!!! I could listen to it in endless repeat...(I actually do it just in the moment) :) It´s awesome. Good riffing as well! When will we hear an Album, produced/mixed by Marcus Hedwig? Both thumbs up, dude!
Thanks a lot dudes! Mark, this is two tracks totally raw, no post eq! (though I had to tweak the amp pretty differently from when I was recording with my Stiletto cab, specifically needing a lot more presence and treble, and a bit more mids). Ola, thanks man, and if you think you've got GAS for a Dual Rec after hearing it through this hack-job of a cab, I can't wait to get a Recto cab to really show ya what it can do! :D Felix, thanks so much man - by the end of this semester I WILL have my band's 4 songs recorded, so I'll definitely post 'em up when I do!