No DD today


Viva Lonliness!
Mar 8, 2002
The Third Place
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Didn't get the album today. Damn, I really looked forward my entire working day, just to get a ride downtown and buy this incredible album. But everywhere it's delayed. The cd-strores are waiting for the realese of the digi-pack and the usual boxer to release them togheter. This means I probably won't get my hands on it before friday at least. Shit, and I had this really nice dream about DT

I didn't get it either :cry: The guy in the store said they got a note from the place they get their CD's and it said they hadn't arrived to that place either. So it'll take few more days...*sighs*
chances are i'm gonna get it on friday :cry: :cry:

@hyena: pagan moon's gonna have it on friday. i'll look elsewhere or make alfred look elsewhere tomorrow. :erk:

rahvin. (shitty undersized loser)
oh Im not alone
oh Im so happy to be not a lonely DTloser not having DD on the day of his release
and even the mighty rahvin doesnt have it yet,
brother in my arms!
here in my fucking town there are 2 cds -shops and both arnet able to get this cd on the day where it gets out!
what an evil world!

perhaps tomorrow,but unfortunally on wendesday I have no time to check it out and then Im gonna make a short trip to paris and perhaps I have no time to buy it in france
but I hope it will be in the shop(one is enough!) tomorrow
Well, I might be able to get it tomorrow maybe. There is this American fellow having his own cd-store so he might be able to get it by 4 pm tomorrow. Hope so, but the chances are small:mad:
I didn't get it either. The record store released it last Thursday ( :eek: ), just one copy, and a friend of mine got it :(
I'll try tomorrow again *fingers crossed*
Bah, im in Canada AND im not in a major city, therefore my CD stores dont even ATTEMPT to get the new metal CDs. Sometimes i drop in and get surprised by seeing Opeth.

Other than that...nothing. They take like 4 months to order a CD too. Such crap i tell you. I hope i can snag Damage Done though. In my opinion their best album, but im sure others have different opinions on that. :)


P.S Im not sure if any EnterTheGame irc chatter/gamers are here, but if you are, there is a small chan a bunch of guys got together. #metalheads - drop by if you're a frequenter of ETG. Its tough finding gamers who also listen to the real metal, and not the numetal stuff. :D