3 prog cd's come out in the states today

I just bought it yesterday. I'll let you know what I think.

dargormudshark said:


so buy the Pagan's Mind or Circus Maximus cd's. This is the only forum beside the SymphX where I can post something like this without getting responses from the DT sheep :erk:

This was the last shot I was giving them IMO, DT is dead :cry:

Discuss, Rant, Get Angry, Praise the album if you want
new DT is great they needed a change of pace and this works great...the other 2 are ok but not in the same breath as DT. Its really funny to think that some of you say Symphx will blow DT away at Gigantour. I really cant comment on that its just funny. Symphx is one of my fave bands but would have never made it without DT.
Shadow Gallery Room V also came out on Tuesday, though it's difficult to find in the stores just yet.

After a few listens, I'd rank Octavarium right in the middle of the pack. Lower than SFAM, I&W, Awake...but higher than 6Degrees, ToT, FII & WDADU.
TheWhisper said:
After a few listens, I'd rank Octavarium right in the middle of the pack. Lower than SFAM, I&W, Awake...but higher than 6Degrees, ToT, FII & WDADU.
"A Fair Judgment" :tickled: i feel like talking in song titles today.
I've got it here at work and am spinning it. I would tend to sort of agree with The Whisper on this one, definitely above 6Degrees, TOT & FII (nothing is worse than that one in my opinion - I consider that their "experimental phase" (grin, hey even the Beatles had one).

Only thing I disagree on is that WDADU is sort of one of those releases that you truly appreciate without realizing it. I learned that when I got the When Dream and Day Reunite dvd, and listened to it live. There were a lot of "gems" on that cd.
TheWhisper said:
After a few listens, I'd rank Octavarium right in the middle of the pack. Lower than SFAM, I&W, Awake...but higher than 6Degrees, ToT, FII & WDADU.

I would almost agree here. I actually put it even with TOT & fii. Better than 6 degrees and wdadu. TOT was one of those cd's that took me a while to warm up to, but when I did I really like it. FII has grown on me as well over the years. 6 degrees was a piece of crap. I call it the Q2K for DT. :loco:

Someone mentioned the new Royal Hunt......Killer CD! :OMG:
None of the three really knock my sox off.

The Pagan's Mind is definitely not as good as their prior effort. It seems that whenever I read comments on this disc, people tend to tip-toe around this fact. It's a decent CD, but to my ear, doesn't warrant the $13.

The Circum Maximus is as much Prog Rock and it is Prog Metal, and I don't really care much for Prog Rock. It's got some real strong moments, but I've yet to be able to listen to the disc in a single sitting.

As for Dream Theater, pass. Two words; James LaBrie.

There's been a real lack of good Prog released this year (if I've missed something, please let me know). Hopefully we'll get a Zero Hour CD before year's end, and maybe even an SX release.

BABS said:
Only thing I disagree on is that WDADU is sort of one of those releases that you truly appreciate without realizing it. I learned that when I got the When Dream and Day Reunite dvd, and listened to it live. There were a lot of "gems" on that cd.
How dare you disagree... :Spin: I bought WDADU when it came out, low those many years ago, after reading a little snippet on the band in some mag. The music was/is good stuff, but the singer sucked...hard. That is what makes it unlistenable for me...bad singer-no dice.

Now, as for Octavarium, after a few more listens, I'm digging this disc. Yesterday I would've given it a C grade, but right now I'd give it a solid B. SFAM & I&W are absolute A++ and Awake is an A-, imo.
dusro2 said:
new DT is great they needed a change of pace and this works great...the other 2 are ok but not in the same breath as DT. Its really funny to think that some of you say Symphx will blow DT away at Gigantour. I really cant comment on that its just funny. Symphx is one of my fave bands but would have never made it without DT.

Dude, every DT album is different, they change every album
AngraRULES said:
Very silly statement. It's not very easy to play along with a whole band the way Dream Theater does. And same thing with Symphony X. Now you have to realize that without Dream Theater, many bands including Symphony X probably would not have gotten where they have. That include Symphony X, even though they sound differently.

dusro2 said:
Its really funny to think that some of you say Symphx will blow DT away at Gigantour. I really cant comment on that its just funny. Symphx is one of my fave bands but would have never made it without DT.

So, I don't understand this mind set.
Yes, DT obviously influenced Sym X; however, this does NOT make them better.

Your logic fails; precidence does not equal better. DT only wishes they could write songs half as good as Sym X. And Russel Allen can literally sing circles around James LaBrie. I just hope that the DT fans who are unaware of Sym X come early enough to the show to see everything DT does wrong done right and everything they do right done better.

Maybe DT was the reigning masters of prog, but to say that they still are is delusional (DT sheep, good term).

Song writing should be about more than technically showing off. If DT ever figures that out (and replaces James LaBrie), maybe I'll be able to like them.

booB said:
As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security (god, I LOVE buying discs before the release date from brick-and-mortar stores; it makes me feel like such a rebel :lol: )

I don't know what I think so far of Dream theater new cd but metalcore over Pagan's mind????o_O:erk::ill::Smug: That musical trend must die. Give me old glam rock over that metalcore crap.:err:
"So, I don't understand this mind set.
Yes, DT obviously influenced Sym X; however, this does NOT make them better.

Your logic fails; precidence does not equal better. DT only wishes they could write songs half as good as Sym X. And Russel Allen can literally sing circles around James LaBrie. I just hope that the DT fans who are unaware of Sym X come early enough to the show to see everything DT does wrong done right and everything they do right done better.

Maybe DT was the reigning masters of prog, but to say that they still are is delusional (DT sheep, good term).

Song writing should be about more than technically showing off. If DT ever figures that out (and replaces James LaBrie), maybe I'll be able to like them.


If all you say is so...SymphX is better than DT and all...then why weren't they contacted first to tour with Mustaine & crew? Why did it take a suggestion from Portnoy to get SymphX on this tour? If they are better than DT it just seems likely that they would be contacted first...right? I mean....surely the best would be on everybody's list to tour with. Just trying to follow your kind of logic (???).
Don't get me wrong, l really like SymphX...Romeo's licks are insane, Allen's voice is great, Rullo's drums are wicked...but they just don't match DT in any way, shape, or form. DT paved the way for band's like SymphX to even have record deals...let alone play music in a genre that DT helped to bring to the forefront. Actually, I enjoy seeing & hearing bands try & match the excellence that DT creates...it makes for some great music.
BTW...I can't wait to see DT, SymphX, and the other bands at this show. It should be a great gig.
DT VS. Symph -x.....................

Wow, what a topic. I don't think that there is a correct answer here. It is completely up to each individual. Although they do sare the same genre, you are not comparing apples to apples.

I love both bands. These are two of my favorite bands. I have to say that Symphony X is one band that IMO has yet to put out anything that sucks or is even marginal at best. Everything that they have put out IMO has been very good. I can't say that about DT or many other band for that matter. That doesn't meen that I think they are better than DT. It just meens that I think they are more consistant.