3 prog cd's come out in the states today

"i'm sure you've never heard any 70's prog or any recent real prog either to consider a once great, but now average band like Dream Theater to be the masters of the universe."

Uumm yeah l know some 70's prog...Yes, Genesis, Camel,Pink Floyd,Rush,Jethro Tull...saw all but 1 of those bands live...recent prog? Sure... Flower Kings, Magellan, Arena, Event,Enchant, Vox Tempus,Dreamscape, Poverty's No Crime...just to name a few. I think l know my prog :err:

"not to mention that fame and forturne are piss-poor standards by which to measure who the "best" band is."

It certainly helps...especially when that fame comes from within a not so famous genre as prog. :Smug:
Not everyone will like DT's new release...but remember they are a "progressive" rock/metal band...it's all about progression. Some do....some never do.
unless you're deaf, or didn't read the lyrics to Octavarium, new DT is a throwback to their older work and their influences. its not progression, its regression

further more, fame is nothing.

you still haven't told me why DT is better than all those you just listed, because they aren't.

ps: i do commend you for knowing who the hell Poverty's No Crime is. good band...
New Dream Theater hasnt given me an erection but its decent, I'll be the first to admit I LIKE I Walk Beside You, alot actually. No one here got Circus in so I cant comment on that.

People who want some good technical prog check out Mindflow.

I heard all three of these well in advance, and thought enough of two of them to purchase the discs. The odd disc out was Octavarium ... incredibly boring. The Pagan's Mind was slow to hit me, but it really turned out to be a hell of a disc. It was a grower. The Circus Maximus appealed to me very early on. I've got no problem at all buying what appeals to me, but I'm glad I didn't blindly purchase Octavarium. I'd be real dissapointed right now if I had.
Daybreaker said:
New Dream Theater hasnt given me an erection but its decent, I'll be the first to admit I LIKE I Walk Beside You, alot actually. No one here got Circus in so I cant comment on that.

People who want some good technical prog check out Mindflow.

i like I Walk Beside You. the tracks that cause me to call Octav. mediocre are ones that most people like.
I preordered Octavarium from Amazon, and it came in the mail today. I loved it when I first heard it, and I love it now. I think it's miles ahead of Train of Thought and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence as far as writing is concerned. The first track is a bit weak, but I love all the others, including "I Walk Beside You". I can't understand why people are hating on songs with melodies this good, and orchestrations so well put together.

"Oh no! A DT album that doesn't consist of virtually nonstop instrumental masturbation sessions, interspersed with LaBrie singing as high as he can at every possible moment! It must be crap!"
I think those who haven't gotten a chance to actually get Octavarium and go through the lyrics and booklet can't really say anything...

They have a shitload of "nuggets", and hidden things in it, it's absolutely unbelievable... I think just that makes the album worth it...
I've got all three....they are all good

My favorite ......CM...I think they're the best new band in this genre in a long time.
I got the new DT today and after the first listen, I like it. I do like some of thier other dics better but Octavarium is pretty good.

Received CM last week in the mail and it's still in my CD player, great stuff.

Don't know much about PM but would like take a listen. Always looking to add bands to my CD collection.

Overall it's cool seeing all these bands everyone likes releasing Cd's at the same time!
chibitotoro said:
I preordered Octavarium from Amazon, and it came in the mail today. I loved it when I first heard it, and I love it now. I think it's miles ahead of Train of Thought and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence as far as writing is concerned. The first track is a bit weak, but I love all the others, including "I Walk Beside You". I can't understand why people are hating on songs with melodies this good, and orchestrations so well put together.

"Oh no! A DT album that doesn't consist of virtually nonstop instrumental masturbation sessions, interspersed with LaBrie singing as high as he can at every possible moment! It must be crap!"

I am all about melodies more than anything else, and I thought the melodies blew :cool:
I have been bitching about this album alot, 'cause I hate it's fucking guts basically, but alot of people keep giving me the "don't expect I&W pt.2". I am not expecting I&W part 2. Every album they have is different and I can say I like 4 out of 8 albums. A band can be different (progress is a matter of opinion) with each album and still be great. Look at King Crimson, They have diff. phases of there career and I still love every album. I just don't thik DT canges there sound efficienlty in moy opinion, and I don't think I could ever have respect for a band that just gets together in a studio for 2 weeks to write an album. I am sure there are exceptions though :erk:
I Walk Beside You would be just another unspectacular DT ballad if it wasn't something U2's done their entire career. Not the worst DT song ever, but still another signal their songwriting abilities are still declining, in spite of efforts like the title track which is their best extended length song since Home (though I find the "trapped inside" part to be ridiculous, and the intro is another Floyd steal...)
I skipped the prog cds (well, to be fair, I asked about Circus Maximus at a local metal store, but, unsurprisingly, they hadn't heard of it -- I'll have to hit Ken's website up), and instead bought the following, which are infinitely more interesting to me than DT or Pagan's Mind:


As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security (god, I LOVE buying discs before the release date from brick-and-mortar stores; it makes me feel like such a rebel :lol: )

Into the Moat - Design (metalcore for the Cephalic Carnage fan)

Confessor - Sour Times EP (if this is as good as Condemned, then I think the future is bright for these guys)


Gardenian - Soulburner (loved Sindustries so much that I had to go back and get this one -- excellent Gothenburg death, for those who don't know them)

Lake of Tears - A Crimson Cosmos (in lieu of the new Jennie Tebler EP, this is probably the next best thing)
TheGraveDigger said:
I just got the new Royal Hunt, now that fucking slays!
see? i was right. :p

my reasons for not thinking Octavarium is "freakin amazing" but merely "meh, its got some good songs on it here and there":

1. i don't like shredtacular stupidity unless it really, really fits the song. (and DT's almost never does with maybe 2 or 3 exceptions)

2. i don't like long superfluous instrumental passages with odd rhythms and time sigs for no reason at all except to sound "prog", leaving me wondering "what song is this again? oh yeah..."
hi guys,
two years ago i discussed with a friend whos also playing guitar in a german progmetalband about petrucci... and he is still a great fan of his guitarplaying! but if you ask about petruccis great solos... my friend named songs like: UNDER A GLASS MOON... or SURROUNDED... what does this mean to me? - i think petrucci has lost his focus on melody and decided to shredder to impress the guitarworld... thats very sad cause he is still the man! and for a second arguement: the keyboard has lost its importance... and my last arguement is about the singer: on the older cd's he sang to high - now the melodies are written for his voice, but now i miss the incedible melodies dreamtheater stands for... but you must know i still love them! not every song, not every cd...
best regards