Smiling Pretty for Devil.
Karl Marx would probably be proud to read this communism thread, and everybody have their opinions for/against music downloading, but wasn't this thread supposed to be talking ABOUT the new album ?
wasn't this thread supposed to be talking ABOUT the new album ?
No, it was to remind people, NOT to post download likns etc. But yeah, it's best just to put the troll on ignore list.
Karl Marx would probably be proud to read this communism thread,
cough,illegal downloading isn't always bad. mostly is though.So... The point was?
Karl Marx would probably be proud to read this communism thread"
He wouldn't. He'd be embarrassed about some random dude who obviously knows very little of politics and sociology pervert the work of his life.
(He's practically shouting it there, metaphorically speaking).
Cheggit out guys:
Sorry, son, the world doesn't work this way.
Read more Marx and Lenin.
Yeah, as if the definition was wrong. By the way, I quoted wikipedia which definition is taken from the Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008. Is that enough substantial for you ?
This reasoning is stupid, you cannot claim that... the world we live now "operates in a similar manner". Of course there are going to be some similarities...
the huge differences between capitalism, fascism, communism etc should lead you to think that you cannot claim they operate in the same manners just because in all of them there are human beings governing and an army force etc.
it will be the exact same as the cd.
Lossless format (FLAC, ALAC, APE, WV, and many more) is exactly that, no loss in quality. Which means you can take an audio cd and rip it using a lossless audio format and it will be the exact same as the cd.
@Get Stoned: i always buy the original CD and then rip it via EAC (Exact Audio Copy) to my hard drive to listen to it.
but the point is that it feels good for me to actually have the original CD in my collection. it's not like a CD costs a 1000 dollars anyway....i can't understand people who don't buy the music they like....just illegaly downloading it is gay
Well if you like collecting paper, plastic covers, and plastic discs because it feels good, maybe you should evaluate why you think so, considering how much of a waste of finite resources it is, and that there's really no reason to do so.
Should downloading continue to be illegal? I don't think so, but thats debatable. I honestly don't see the harm in downloading if you support the music/artist you like after downloading. I don't think people should blindly buy/support music they may not even like though.
No? Care to elaborate on that?
"it will be the exact same as the cd." was in regards to the quality of audio using a lossless format to rip a cd, in which the quality would "be the exact same as the cd." as denoted in the original sentence before it. The quote in context is:
Well if you like collecting paper, plastic covers, and plastic discs because it feels good, maybe you should evaluate why you think so, considering how much of a waste of finite resources it is, and that there's really no reason to do so. I simply don't buy cds for that purpose. I only buy the cds for the music or data on the cd. Considering you can get lossless quality rips and HD resolution scans of the visual art that comes with the disc, there's really no need to keep a physical collection like that.
One high capacity hard drive could save you from having to physically store 100's if not 1000's of cds. I don't know anyone that still uses a discman anyways. Everyone I know uses a mp3 player with some sort of hard drive/flash memory. The fact is, physical cds have become just another outdated technology. Some of you are having trouble realizing it just like the people who still use 8-track tapes/players because it feels good to them. It's simply an obsolete, unnecessarily wasteful way of doing things. I think it's better to evolve our notions and ideas to coincide with the current state of technology, rather than be left behind with outdated traditions and concepts. Although....