Karl Marx would probably be proud to read this communism thread, and everybody have their opinions for/against music downloading, but wasn't this thread supposed to be talking ABOUT the new album ?
The album is pretty odd for A COB Album. It has its ups but be prepared for something new. To me, it sounds like they really drew from older metal bands, like chorus wise. The solo's are pretty decent, some fun songs like Northpole Throwdown which has a pretty punk feel to it at parts. Anyways, if you like the fun side of COB you will love the album, if you're expecting Blooddrunk, its not that. If you're expecting any thing like Hatebreeder, not this CD. This is a brand new COB. Still as an avid fan, its pretty decent. Since people were talking about DL and buying. I ordered the Vinyl pack even though I already DL the album on the 2nd. Its what I do for all artists.
I really like the album! :)
It's brings back SOME of the old days, even though nothing is better than the actuall old albums (Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper)
It combines the good elements from Blooddrunk with some Hate Crew Deathroll (and the song Shovel Knockout have some Follow the Reaper feel to it)
Roundtrip to Hell and Back is almost a slow song/ballad in my opinion :)
And it also have the best keyboard solo on the album :)
So, after my initial listen and with the help of the amazing almost-all inclusive lyrics i have came to a personal about the album. The shit is badass. Haters from the AYDY and BD eras can eat a fat dick, because this new album is proof that COB still have every bit of whatever they thought was missing. They bring darkness back in this album and the lyrics are pretty fucking good. The vocals are raw and pure alexi. My favorite song is yet to be determined, but.......Roundtrip Through Hell and Back, Northpole Throwdown, and Not My Funerals are up Anyone else care to tell me what they think about the lyrics?
I don't really like songs in drop C at the moment. I prefer the D tuning. The first two songs that I could listen (WiWi? & Ugly) seemed not promising to the rest of the album but the sample and NMF show me otherwise! I don't have already listened all the songs, I don't want to ruin enjoying getting the album that is pre-ordered since long time. In addition it will be available in so few days! Hopefully it will be f-king great.
@Get Stoned: i always buy the original CD and then rip it via EAC (Exact Audio Copy) to my hard drive to listen to it.

but the point is that it feels good for me to actually have the original CD in my collection. it's not like a CD costs a 1000 dollars anyway....i can't understand people who don't buy the music they like....just illegaly downloading it is gay
Karl Marx would probably be proud to read this communism thread"

He wouldn't. He'd be embarrassed about some random dude who obviously knows very little of politics and sociology pervert the work of his life.

To be fair, I've said nothing to perverse any facts about communism. Everything I've stated about communism is accurate. I'm not even the one who brought up Marx or communism in the first place. Crazy aus was the one who brought them up when he wrote.


Cheggit out guys:


Sorry, son, the world doesn't work this way.
(He's practically shouting it there, metaphorically speaking).

Read more Marx and Lenin.

The point that I made contrary to Crzy_Aus erroneous comment, was to show that the world does use much of the same methodology as communism. To say that "...the world doesn't work this way" is simply untrue. I’m not sure why you would instantly think I was referring to communism. Considering communism itself is not just one belief, but is comprised of multiple beliefs. For example, it would be like:

If I said "ice cream is good", then you said I was a Nazi because Hitler also said "ice cream is good".

(Probably not a historically accurate analogy, but it gets the point across)

Just because I like one idea someone else likes, doesn't mean I believe in or advocate their entire philosophy. In case you didn't catch it the first time, I want to reiterate this point: Communism has no blueprint or methodology to carry out their ideals and along with capitalism, fascism, and socialism, will ultimately go down in history as failed social experiments.

If you do not wish to discuss communism or any other topic, then simply ignore it and make no mention of it.
Yeah, as if the definition was wrong. By the way, I quoted wikipedia which definition is taken from the Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008. Is that enough substantial for you ?

I wasn't confirming nor denying that definition by any means. Yes, Columbia Encyclopedia is a much more credible and reliable source for information rather than wikipedia, which can simply be edited by just about anyone with an account. There are many forms and theories of communism. Your definition, in the broadest generalization of communism can be considered to be accurate.

This reasoning is stupid, you cannot claim that... the world we live now "operates in a similar manner". Of course there are going to be some similarities...

You do realize you just agreed with me and contradicted yourself right? You tell me I cannot claim they operate in a similar manner, yet in your very next sentence you go on to acknowledge there are similarities. To tell me I can't say something and then you say that very thing in your next sentence is hypocritical. The reasoning is actually quite contrary to stupid, it's completely logical. If they have similar methodologies, then it's axiomatic they operate in similar manners.

the huge differences between capitalism, fascism, communism etc should lead you to think that you cannot claim they operate in the same manners just because in all of them there are human beings governing and an army force etc.

If you compared the number of similarities to differences between the methodologies used by communism and other sociopolitical movements, you would see the similarities far exceed the differences. In fact there's really only a few key differences. Other than those very few differences, they all generally operate in the same manner as communism by using such methodologies as money, banks, armies, police, prisons, charismatic personalities, social stratification, and are managed by appointed leaders.
it will be the exact same as the cd.

No? Care to elaborate on that?

"it will be the exact same as the cd." was in regards to the quality of audio using a lossless format to rip a cd, in which the quality would "be the exact same as the cd." as denoted in the original sentence before it. The quote in context is:

Lossless format (FLAC, ALAC, APE, WV, and many more) is exactly that, no loss in quality. Which means you can take an audio cd and rip it using a lossless audio format and it will be the exact same as the cd.

@Get Stoned: i always buy the original CD and then rip it via EAC (Exact Audio Copy) to my hard drive to listen to it.

but the point is that it feels good for me to actually have the original CD in my collection. it's not like a CD costs a 1000 dollars anyway....i can't understand people who don't buy the music they like....just illegaly downloading it is gay

Well if you like collecting paper, plastic covers, and plastic discs because it feels good, maybe you should evaluate why you think so, considering how much of a waste of finite resources it is, and that there's really no reason to do so. I simply don't buy cds for that purpose. I only buy the cds for the music or data on the cd. Considering you can get lossless quality rips and HD resolution scans of the visual art that comes with the disc, there's really no need to keep a physical collection like that.

One high capacity hard drive could save you from having to physically store 100's if not 1000's of cds. I don't know anyone that still uses a discman anyways. Everyone I know uses a mp3 player with some sort of hard drive/flash memory. The fact is, physical cds have become just another outdated technology. Some of you are having trouble realizing it just like the people who still use 8-track tapes/players because it feels good to them. It's simply an obsolete, unnecessarily wasteful way of doing things. I think it's better to evolve our notions and ideas to coincide with the current state of technology, rather than be left behind with outdated traditions and concepts. Although....


Despite the cost of a cd, why would you want to continue to have to keep buying something because it gets damaged? Wouldn't you rather buy something you didn't already own? However, I do agree that one should support the artist/music that they like. If you like the music you download then make sure you support the artist by buying their merchandise, seeing them perform live, and/or simply donating money directly to the musician(s). Otherwise the artist will not be able to support themselves and the music will stop being made.

Should downloading continue to be illegal? I don't think so, but thats debatable. I honestly don't see the harm in downloading if you support the music/artist you like after downloading. I don't think people should blindly buy/support music they may not even like though.
Well if you like collecting paper, plastic covers, and plastic discs because it feels good, maybe you should evaluate why you think so, considering how much of a waste of finite resources it is, and that there's really no reason to do so.

It's my money, man, and I spend it however the fuck I want. Maybe it's for sentimental value. Maybe I use CDs as Frisbees. Consumer economy, baby. And no fucks were given about the resources, we'll all be dead before any of that matters. If you really care so much, buy digital releases on Amazon or iTunes or whatever. You save resources and you pay for the musicians' services.

Should downloading continue to be illegal? I don't think so, but thats debatable. I honestly don't see the harm in downloading if you support the music/artist you like after downloading. I don't think people should blindly buy/support music they may not even like though.

Downloading for free should. People need to get paid for their services. If the entertainment industry doesn't get paid, nobody would work in it. Under a capitalist system it is simply more effective to pay them per item/service (i.e. song, album, performance etc.) rather than have them depend on voluntary donations or government aid. No matter how much you argue for superiority of digital format (which is personal preference I suppose - HDDs get corrupted just as CDs get scratched), it doesn't justify you getting the service/product without paying the person who put in the work to make it. And nobody forces you to buy blindly - there's a plenty of previews released to convince you to buy. For RRF, half of the album was publicly available before it hit the stores.

As for the whole communism thing... Look, I made a joke but you took it seriously and tried to defend yourself using a series of misconceptions, starting with defining "communism" as a social order while it should be treated as an ideology. Communism, if achieved, has no banks because there is no private property, seeks to eliminate social stratification, and the decisions are made collectively (this was actually implemented on local gov't level). In short, you're either confusing "communism" with a totalitarian socialist or police state, or simply talking out of your ass. Your claim that communism and modern-day capitalism agree on the issue of private property when they are in fact diametrically opposed makes me conclude that you have no idea what you're talking about. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself and refrain from further comments on the topic.
No? Care to elaborate on that?

"it will be the exact same as the cd." was in regards to the quality of audio using a lossless format to rip a cd, in which the quality would "be the exact same as the cd." as denoted in the original sentence before it. The quote in context is:

Because of the rasterisation and quantisation the wave form wont look exactly like the original. Sure, nowadays you can rip them so you cant hear any differences because you just left out the shit you ''don't need''. But who does really think that compression and digitizing doesnt do shit besides making files smaller? :lol:
Well if you like collecting paper, plastic covers, and plastic discs because it feels good, maybe you should evaluate why you think so, considering how much of a waste of finite resources it is, and that there's really no reason to do so. I simply don't buy cds for that purpose. I only buy the cds for the music or data on the cd. Considering you can get lossless quality rips and HD resolution scans of the visual art that comes with the disc, there's really no need to keep a physical collection like that.

One high capacity hard drive could save you from having to physically store 100's if not 1000's of cds. I don't know anyone that still uses a discman anyways. Everyone I know uses a mp3 player with some sort of hard drive/flash memory. The fact is, physical cds have become just another outdated technology. Some of you are having trouble realizing it just like the people who still use 8-track tapes/players because it feels good to them. It's simply an obsolete, unnecessarily wasteful way of doing things. I think it's better to evolve our notions and ideas to coincide with the current state of technology, rather than be left behind with outdated traditions and concepts. Although....

:lol: sounds like you're of the opinion that you should only do things that have a deep backgound and are purely for the support of your human life?
I like my cd collection, I like them more than rocks and shit so that's why I'm collecting them. And I dont use a mini disc at home, I use a proper cd player and I enjoy listening to cds.
Of course you can rip them to the point where you cant hear any differences, that's cool,evej I backed up my collection. But the point with the tape recording and shit.. dude you're so wrong, of course there are people who are bitching around about DAWs , recording with computers. sure, that's the modern music industry and it's a shitload easier to work with that stuff (CUTTING! you dont need to cut tapes ffs!) but the analog tape sound will always be something special that a lot of people like. I'm not saying, meeehh this is shit everybody uses mp3 for flac or whatever, but I'm using cds because it feels good. I'm buying cds because they're fucking cheap (5-8 euro?), sound better,I can listen to them on my cd player, contain the original recordings and arent ripped by some douchebag and they went to my collection. But if some audio engineer has this old fashioned view on the industry and doesnt work with the modern stuff he might get a problem, ie. no job. That couldnt happen to me and my cds (because my work aint listening to music.) My point is that you cant compare the both cases . Btw, I get cds for free as I can offset them against tax :)