COBHC Webmaster

COBHC Webmaster
Jun 25, 2005
We're living exciting times on the verge of the worldwide release of the new album. The band has been very fortunate that the album hasn't leaked properly yet.

I am sure many of you are anxious to hear the album, and many of you have also pre-ordered it. That's great.

However this is the worst possible place for distributing the new material that comes available online through leaks or other regions eg. Japan. Any kind of filesharing of the new material, "PM me", etc. bullshit will not be tolerated. Especially before the album has hit the stores globally.

If you're so anxious that you need to get a hold of the material before you get the physical copy in your hand, please look elsewhere. Do come back here to discuss the album, but do not help the material spread around, again, especially not before the album has hit the stores globally.

It can be debated to death what kind of impact leaks have on record sales, but it's not your call and I kindly ask you to respect the will of the band who are the ones to pay for this forum.
easy for me to do...i'll just wait for Friday and then buy it in the Record Store....there's no better Quality than the actual CD anyway!
easy for me to do...i'll just wait for Friday and then buy it in the Record Store....there's no better Quality than the actual CD anyway!
Yeah but fuck paying for it if it turns out shit. Not My Funeral is the only song I've heard so far that I like enough to buy.
Totally understand why they don't want us telling each other how to steal the album on here though.
Yeah but fuck paying for it if it turns out shit. Not My Funeral is the only song I've heard so far that I like enough to buy.
Totally understand why they don't want us telling each other how to steal the album on here though.

Well, i have not preordered the album....i just go get it when it hit's the stores here in Austria on Friday....and from what i have read here the Album isn't Shit...that is enough for me to buy it.
No shit. It is the OFFICIAL forum for the band and no band wants their album leaked... well most bands.

I posted the link to SKO because I didn't know if it was officially or unofficially leaked. I guess unofficially since the thread has been deleted. Hard to tell sometimes when Bodom releases a new album just who leaks the song.
Yeah but fuck paying for it if it turns out shit. Not My Funeral is the only song I've heard so far that I like enough to buy.
Totally understand why they don't want us telling each other how to steal the album on here though.

You can surely listen to the album on internet after it's been released.
True but to what end? The band gains nothing from my wait.

It's called respect. If they don't want the album to leak before the release, any fan should understand. I don't care that much, but that's my opinion about leaks in genereal. Also, I dislike youth nowadays who think, that they are entitled to everything and have no respect for anything. It's THEIR art, and if artist doesn't want people listening to the whole album before the release, fans should respect that. I don't think they do this only for money, so it's not just about whether you buy it or not.
Haha, finally. Glad to see someone's actually watching the bullshit going on on the forum. I mean, I'd expect people to at least have enough brain capacity not to post warez links on a band's official forum.
It's called respect. If they don't want the album to leak before the release, any fan should understand. I don't care that much, but that's my opinion about leaks in genereal. Also, I dislike youth nowadays who think, that they are entitled to everything and have no respect for anything. It's THEIR art, and if artist doesn't want people listening to the whole album before the release, fans should respect that. I don't think they do this only for money, so it's not just about whether you buy it or not.

+1 million man....that is just so true
lol, There's no need to post links here or any where else. It's already all over the web...

easy for me to do...i'll just wait for Friday and then buy it in the Record Store....there's no better Quality than the actual CD anyway!

Actually Lossless format (FLAC, ALAC, APE, WV, and many more) is exactly that, no loss in quality. Which means you can take an audio cd and rip it using a lossless audio format and it will be the exact same as the cd. It's a good way backup your entire library of CD's, so that way when your cd gets scratched you dont have to go out and spend more money on another. Media Jukebox 14 is a free program that works well with just about any lossless formats (works well with ipods). dbpoweramp is a good program for backing up your cd library onto a hard drive.

It's THEIR art, and if artist doesn't want people listening to the whole album before the release, fans should respect that. I don't think they do this only for money, so it's not just about whether you buy it or not.

haha, so naive. Of course its about money, it's always about money. Are you not aware of the monetary paradigm we live in today? If it wasn't about money, musicians would give their music out for free and let anyone who wants to listen to it, listen to it. The way art should be shared. Unfortunately, we are forced to live within this monetary paradigm where musicians simply can't afford to let people enjoy their art for free, and only those with money get to enjoy artist work. Luckily, technology is changing all of that.
haha, so naive. Of course its about money, it's always about money. Are you not aware of the monetary paradigm we live in today? If it wasn't about money, musicians would give their music out for free and let anyone who wants to listen to it, listen to it. The way art should be shared. Unfortunately, we are forced to live within this monetary paradigm where musicians simply can't afford to let people enjoy their art for free, and only those with money get to enjoy artist work. Luckily, technology is changing all of that.

I said it's not ONLY about money, but you're apparently too dumb to understand that. And are you saying, that technology is changing the world into an utopia, where there's no money, and thus musicians can distribute their art for free (since they don't need money to live), or that technology let's you easily steal artist's work? Either way, you're a fucking idiot.
^ Agreed. Still there's a difference between that and endless forum spamming with requests for torrent links etc.
As an artist myself, I get pretty pissed off when people steal my work, rip me off, or whatever. I have a right to do what I love to make a living, just like everybody else out there, and people stealing works of art is unfortunately easy and deprives artists in need of money-like everyone else-from making their living. The only time I ever use Youtube or whatever to stream music to decide if I want to buy it or not. If I like it, I go buy it and support the artist. If not, I abandon the video and don't think twice about it. Someone mentioned that it's all about money these days: it's a yes and no answer. You need money to get by, but once you break even and can live comfortably, that's when it becomes about profit. It's such a weird line to walk.