No more Joe

YAY!!!!! :kickass:

Now you all know that It takes allot for me to dislike someone, a little bit, let alone that much! You guys know I don't flame or other wise say nasty shit to people, even if I do dislike them. He won the "Shannon hates you" award. LOL! Even got me to say two negative things to him on two occasions. FOAD, and "Joe, go lay down!" Yeah, sadly that is the best I got. :lol:

Now, it's time to have a virtual party with lots of foods! :kickass:
oh yeah. I'm sure you know EXACTLY what that experience is about :rolleyes:

anyways, didn't mean to invade your forum guys. i'm out.

aaannnd... you took the bait :erk: I believe the ability to let things slide and not reply to crap that perpetuates drama is a lost art.

If someone points out the irony in this post I will.. I will... bring Joe back! :mad: Yeah.
Methane has engulfed the Gastric Republic. The taxation of dutch ovens to chocolate starfish is in dispute.

Hoping to relieve the intestinal blockade of silent, but deadly, bratwurst bugles, the greedy Trade Federation has ripped a bubbler on the small planet of Nopoo.

While the congress of the Republic endlessly smelts thunder dumplings, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly broke wind to two Gassy Knights, the guardians of pants geese and blanket bombs in the galaxy, to settle the cushion creepers....


Fart! The Gastric Republic is rumbling under ass cracks of the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dookie. There are pant stainers on both sides. Vile smells are everywhere.

In a stinking move, the fiendish HUMrrhoid leader, General Gaseous, has steamed into the Republic capital and kidnapped Chancellor Pootpatine, leader of the Gastric Senate.

As the backdoor breeze Army attempts to flee the besinged crapital with their valuable hot air, two Gas Master Knights lead a colonic calliope to rescue the captive Chancellor....

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Well well well....i go to fuckin Disneyland for a weekend and i come back to mayhem..of course...
well to be honest, im glad hes outta here..that dude was trying my patience...
anyway...HI GUYS!
Methane has engulfed the Gastric Republic. The taxation of dutch ovens to chocolate starfish is in dispute.

Hoping to relieve the intestinal blockade of silent, but deadly, bratwurst bugles, the greedy Trade Federation has ripped a bubbler on the small planet of Nopoo.

While the congress of the Republic endlessly smelts thunder dumplings, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly broke wind to two Gassy Knights, the guardians of pants geese and blanket bombs in the galaxy, to settle the cushion creepers....

Fart! The Gastric Republic is rumbling under ass cracks of the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dookie. There are pant stainers on both sides. Vile smells are everywhere.

In a stinking move, the fiendish HUMrrhoid leader, General Gaseous, has steamed into the Republic capital and kidnapped Chancellor Pootpatine, leader of the Gastric Senate.

As the backdoor breeze Army attempts to flee the besinged crapital with their valuable hot air, two Gas Master Knights lead a colonic calliope to rescue the captive Chancellor....

haha epic post