No Odd Ball Band this Year Glenn?

Azrael LenGraden

Lake Of Fire
May 5, 2004
Spring Grove, IL, USA
With all of the kick ass Power and Progressive bands announced so far I don't see an odd ball band like we have had in the past...I am just curious, Glenn, if you still have something up your sleeve or is this just the way it shook out this year. I don't expect an answer right away...just wondering. Hopefully we will get a nice "how it went down this year" post like we got last year after all the bands are announced. That was very informative and appreciated by us here at the forums.

Raintime looks like an oddball to me. But even if Glenn doesn't consider Raintime an oddball, he does say every year, "Who says there has to be an oddball?"
maybe one of Saturday Night's co-headliners will be the "odd ball"
maybe one of Saturday Night's co-headliners will be the "odd ball"

An "oddball" for a headliner such as Devin Townsend would be a bigger flop than having Whitesnake headline. When an oddball like Devin headlines this fest, it is the beginning of the end, and the start of the transformation of ProgPower into, "Oddfest". :puke:
An "oddball" for a headliner such as Devin Townsend would be a bigger flop than having Whitesnake headline. When an oddball like Devin headlines this fest, it is the beginning of the end, and the start of the transformation of ProgPower into, "Oddfest". :puke:
CLearly Devin Towsend would not be a good option. Now Whitesnake would rule:headbang:
VenomGA didn't even say he thought Devin would be one oddball headliner. The Fiddler's post is a pretty loose cognitive leap there. Devin is most definitely not at headliner status for anything anyway.
VenomGA didn't even say he thought Devin would be one oddball headliner. The Fiddler's post is a pretty loose cognitive leap there. Devin is most definitely not at headliner status for anything anyway.

What oddball band that has already played ProgPower could come closest to qualifying as a headliner? For that matter, what oddball band which hasn't played ProgPower could headline? Could you still call it "ProgPower"?
Devin's industrial project is going to co-headline Sat ;)
We still have a 4 spot on Friday. If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the same length of time as the 2 & 3 spots? Order may matter to some, but in the end, the same set length is the same set length.
It's sort of funny how the oddball, which was intended to surprise people, now has become something people expect. It's not much of an oddball if you get it every time now is it? :)
You know, some people might consider Akercocke for Friday's number 2. Progressive death metal in suits and ties. If that is not oddball, nothing is. :)

Ray C.