No One Loves Everyone (NOLE)


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
hey guys, i just want to keep everyone up to date with my band's status for those who have been interested. . .

first off thanks to everyone from this forum for the add and comments! we love linking up with bands, hearing new metal and forming new bonds with metalheads from all over the world.:kickass:

second of all, i want to announce that we have finished recording our first EP and we plan to distribute it (for free!!!!) as soon as its done. it is currently being mixed by none other than our fellow sneapster pauly @madhouse studios!

we had a great time recording with him and sitting in a semi circle with him :Smokin::lol: his home studio is as good as it gets, couldnt have expected any better. his knowledge of engineering made him a pleasure to work with him not to mention he was an awesome host :kickass:

take a trip to nole island mon! its kinda like jamaica but with more weed and more metal lol