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Spiff said:
I honestly don't know if you're joking or not. :)
Seriously not joking.

Was on a right wing BB, and they were giving me a grilling over being more interested in U.S. politics than Oz (well I din't talk Oz politics to them, as they don't give a rat's arse about ours.).

Ended up one of them posted a bunch of links to various pressure groups in the U.S. who want Oz to be the next state.

As they say, we think like them, act like them, and are situated well to further protect the great empire.

"Howard for Governator !!!"
Do they know that most Australians hate Americans? Of course not, they think everyone loves America, which is why they're always so shocked when someone criticises them.

"The French don't want us to go to Iraq! DAMN YOU FRENCHIES!!!" *shakes fist*

"Michael Moore criticises our administration. YOU HATE AMERICA!!!" *shakes fist*

"That Canadian Prime Minister said it was American foreign policy that contributed to 9/11! THAT'S A DISPICABLE THING TO SAY!!!" *shakes fist*
Some nice links there. I especially like the one that suggests we would benefit from becoming a US state by having better bushfire fighting methods. I work for the bushfire fighting service here in NSW and it's a service that's world renown as one of the best in the world. Some US forest management agencies don't even have forest fire prevention policies and they don't do preventative burning. As for water management, I don't think there's anything America can teach anyone about conservation of natural resources.

Plus, they don't play cricket or AFL and their beer is shit.
Mind me jumping in on this forum , I was having a conversation with a bloke at work and he told me he felt that the world is as tense at the moment as what it was like when there was the cold war between America and Russia, we are in for some fucking upheaval.
As for Bush and his speech yesterday , he wants to spread the word of freedom , I think he see's freedom very differently to the rest of us ,mind you the 50 million spent on the inauguration speech would have done better in aid or at least supplying the US troops with some proper kevlar vests etc .
The hypocrisy astounds me .
As for Australia becoming a US state in the future , over my fucking dead body!
Theres my short rant.
Mind me jumping in again , the whole "Howard is running the country well economically" rant is rubbish, any political party can tax the fuck out of the public , sell what is Australian owned, privatise their assholes, cut healthcare, give tax cuts to the rich , wish for low interest, put a tax on a tax, sell natural resources for next to nothing overseas while we get buttslammed and be econmically sound.
A lie is a lie , but in the end its the pyramid of lies below supporting it that will crumble.
heh heh thanks man , actually I'm the kinda guy who would have a whinge with whatever government it is , ie labour or liberal , I just hate being bullshitted to , and I hate the fuckers when they cannot answer a question straight and put spin on it , it fucking gives me the shits bigtime .
See ya at MFTB man , my shout for a beer , last time I didnt get to catch up with you :)
At the risk of jinxing it all like I did when I said Mark Latham would save us all...

Don't worry, guys, Kevin Rudd will save us in few years! :headbang:
Kevin Rudd is an evil Gnome looking guy. Labour's current problem is they lack the balls to take it to the government, even with Mark Latham they still didn't take it to the government enough IMO, we need another strong leader like Bob Hawke was, someone not afraid to be themselves and call the libs a pack of lying cunts
I agree, they haven't attacked the govt half as much as they should have. Pretty piss-poor actually much of the time. There's nobody like Hawke or Keating in the party now, unfortunately. The govt's had a pretty easy time of it in recent years.