weapons and a tribute

i cant say that i can be "calm" while" i see injured and dead children in iraq.
of course you can stay calm noone disturbed your peace. counting to 10 makes only senseless people really calm.
anyway *bored* enough "harsh" things said.
I meant, I knew what his topic was, but not his exact words.

speaking your mind, putting out thought, towards whichever side, is better than aimlessly following

that is "what was cool"

the shocks and gasps of the crowd are conditioned reactions.
IOfTheStorm said:
i cant say that i can be "calm" while" i see injured and dead children in iraq.
of course you can stay calm noone disturbed your peace. counting to 10 makes only senseless people really calm.
anyway *bored* enough "harsh" things said.

Yeah, well you can blame that on the regime for hiding behind them. One last thing, if the US wanted to the could be just like Iraq. By disregaurding the rules of ingagement and totally wipe them out. Nevertheless, we won't.
they're disregarding rules of engagement, just not taking the route to totally wiping them out right away. That would be a waste of all their precious funding that will be allotted.
Chromatose said:
I meant, I knew what his topic was, but not his exact words.

speaking your mind, putting out thought, towards whichever side, is better than aimlessly following

that is "what was cool"

the shocks and gasps of the crowd are conditioned reactions.

I think the reason for the booing had nothing to do with their feeling or views of the war. It is their resecpt for the forces fighting. It is bad enough that they have to deal with the war it's self, but then have every one at home talking negitive about them, that even harder.
opposing views will always be disrespectful for someone. Taking opportunities is the American way, this was an opportunity for expression.
Not to change the subject guys but.......

I want this tattoo
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
How is that.

VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (U.N. Charter; Geneva Convention): Preemptive invasion without proof of an imminent attack is an illegal act of military aggression. The Bush Administration has never proved that an attack by Saddam on the U.S. or any other country is imminent. The mission of the U.N. is to avert war, not to rubberstamp invasions.

not in my words, because I think that answers clearly enough.
thebigyetti said:

Sweet bigyetti. That exactly what happens in all these form.

Chromatose: I stand corrected. However, someone has to do something.

Most of you are just afriad of war, I under stand this. So why don't every one who agrees or disarees stop protesting, stop going on live tv and protesting. The war will go on, then we will move to the next threat. well, In between that there will be a terrorist attack on america. It is a evil cycle called humanity!
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
The war will go on, then we will move to the next threat. well, In between that there will be a terrorist attack on america. It is a evil cycle called humanity!

No it's an evil cycle called American cockiness and stupidity. The world doesn't revolve around the US's problems.