Nomad Factory sale

That suck for their CEO guy and I wish him well but nomad factory plugins are both expensive and mediocre sounding.
Yes, "normal" prices are too expensive in my opinion as well. But I've picked up several plugins in sales and ... Yes, I know that Echoes looses in comparison with UAD EP-34 (in Echoplex emulation) and the same is true for Pultec emulations, but as UAD is far too expensive for me anyway, for me Nomad plugins have very good value. I use these two from Nomad a lot and will demo some more plugins probably now.
I used Magnetic on every channel on the last TNBD album. I had tried to use Nebula with some AlexB stuff (who turns out, he's a total cunt and wont issue refunds, and tells Paypal you're a pirate when you try to get your money back for a bullshit product) ... and Magnetic totally raped it every single time.

I am a big fan of Magnetic, a few of the BT plugins are good too, but on the whole it's all about Magnetic.
I preferred the NF pultec over the Waves and the Softube Tubetech versions, not sure whose was "accurate" or if it's because the Nomad version has a built in clipper/limiter but on a kick drum when level matched theirs definitely sounds better on my setup.