
Well, I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one who doesn't know what his name means. All along I've been thinking, "Damn, I bet I should know this but I don't. I bet everyone else does."
Really? No one gathered that Nomis is Simon backwards? As for the other part, really there's no meaning to it. Just some shit I made up in a creative story from like, fuck, 10 years ago? So really, there's no deep meaning or anything if that's what you're after. I just sort of liked it and haven't really ever changed my sn on anything. Haha.
Hey, yeah, I have thought of Simon, as I read your name backwards, but still made no sense...

So, I suppose I can now start addressing you by name, which will be easier than having to quote you now!
I always read it as "Nomi Sofi Man." But then I noticed there's another 's' in there. But Nomi Sofi is more catchy than Nomi Sofsi.
I have somehow turned it into "nomusicfan" whenver I see it. So you have been turned into nomusicfan guy, sorry. Which would make absolutely no sense given this forum... The brain works in mysteriuos ways.
Yea, I got the "simon" backward thing but thought there was something more relevant with the rest of it. No matter. So many don't get that my nick is not a name, just initials.