non-EPIC drum samples


Oct 14, 2007
Inspired by Catharsis' PDP toms, I decided to sample my PDP kit. This is more like a test run than saying "here's some good samples for you."

The current samples are just a random number of hard hits. A couple clip a little. There's kick, snare, and four toms. All PDP except a Ludwig snare.

I'd like to get some input on them so I can tweak for a better sound. If I can get them sounding better and anyone is interested, then I'll give it another go and include different velocities and make sure there's no stupid clipping or anything.

A full kit demo played by some jackass can be heard here. There's eq and comp thrown on the tracks, but I didn't do anything specific. Basically just boosted some highs and cut the lows. I hate how the low toms ring when the kick is hit.

The raw sample tracks can be found here.

There's the solo track for each piece plus overheads and a room track.

Advice is much appreciated!