Non-metal music stuffs (recommendations)

Many producers use Reason, you can sample, you can loop, you can modify each drum sound, you can slice them, there are tons of drums samples (and drum loops) on the internet, you can even make your own drum sample (if you're good at it) etc...
I can make good drum beats in my head, or out on a piano roll, its just learning the sampling and cutting I'm more into.
I have plenty of beats to be sliced up. I more want to set up some fills and trigger them and whatnot.

Audacity is to sound edition what Windows Movie Maker is to Pixar studios.

Ouch, but keeping in mind I don't really know what I'm doing, should I bother? :/. Reason was another one suggested to me, before seeing Sonata Arctica my friend I went with was showing me tons of stuff you can do with it.

I'll prob mess around with reason for a bit, for the drum purpose though.
to creat music, i would recomend Logic, but that's for mac only, so fuck off
I'm posting this here because it's Pendulum... But it's Pendulum feat. In Flames :lol:

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Rock Voisine
Lolllll that reminds me of a guy who said he played guitar and wanted to be the bassplayer of my band, he came in and tried to play a Rock Voisine song but he wasn't able to play it, so then we asked him if he could actually play something and he said he could play Crazy Train. Then again he failed and we couldn't believe how bad he was at playing. We never called him again. :lol:
This shouldn't be new.

But in case you already don't, listen to some bone thugz

This one sepcifically.

I get with my nigga to get me some yayo
Double up nigga what you need?
We got weed to get P.O.Ded
Fiend for the green leaves
Give it up it's the foe sure you better lay low
Cause the po-po creep when they roll slow
If you can't get away better toss that yayo
Keep your bankroll

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to creat music, i would recomend Logic, but that's for mac only, so fuck off


Or Protools Hd ,since it has been hacked/cracked,whatever, but as I own a original copy of Logic, I'll stick to Logic :D first post, Kovu, was pretty sweet to stoned to link some in youtube.
I heard one song it was jazzy, too sotned to alttab and see wht it was