Non-metal music stuffs (recommendations)

no they are on itunes etc.. also.


I listened to some of their songs and only really liked that chemicals one.
His voice is irritating everywhere else :/


Prrooof: They'd be better if just the girl sang :p

more like Mungford AMIRITELOLOLOL!?!?!

I'll listen to it later :p

Because right now I can't listen to anything that doesn't involve Lil'Wayne's millie

A Millionaire, I'm a young money Millionaire, tougher than Nigerian hair...

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crazy shit, yay.

edit: yeah they're fucking awesome.

They were posted here before though right?
I must not have been in the mood for it at the time.
Meh I've always disliked M.I.A... Mainly because I found Paper Planes totally annoying.

Oh and...

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wow, somehow I start to believe that you, IMO got the best taste in music among all those people here.

+1 UP