Non-metal music stuffs (recommendations)

Youtube quality is fail :/

I'd also put that Eminem/Rhianna song but if you haven't heard it you wont like it :p
His new album is actually fantastic for you fags that are willing to admit you totally liked his old stuff when you were 8-12.
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I've listened to Eminem since I was 10 and don't give a fuck.
And yes, the new song with Rhianna is awesome

So 2 years? Pretty much since he's been making terrible club songs that suck :(
Marshall Mathers lp was one of my first CDs I had when I was 11. My mom found my discman and listened to it and grounded me :'''(

My brother was pissed, because then my parents raped our music collection (lol napster) to find music with a lot of swearing in it :lol:

I never had a hidden porn folder as a young teenager, I had a hidden "songs with swear-words" folder. :(

So 2 years? Pretty much since he's been making terrible club songs that suck :(

Just realised I probably started listening to him in 2005 when I was nine but I'm guessing that makes little difference :/

And regardless, that doesn't mean I only listen to his stuff released after then, The Marshall Mathers LP is amazing.
I bought Recovery at Wal-mart, like a moron, and got the censored shitty version for kids. So I downloaded the album so I could get the other half of the cd, goddamnm, the bonus track at the end is tits.
I finally went and listened to that Yeah Yeah Yeahs album Its Blitz! Heads will Roll and Zero are awesome but after that I found it to all really be the same :/
A fun listen though.