Noob mixes his band's album ITT


Sep 17, 2012
Moscow, Russia
Hi, everyone!
Firstly, I can't express how helpful and informative these forums are. I've been lurking for quite some time, but still I'm relatively new here, so don't go harsh on me, please.

The thing is, my band has recorded an album. I've done the tracking myself at our rehearsal place (except the drums - they were tracked in a proper studio).
My purpose was and is to learn as much as possible from the process, and to put as much of my own creativity into the record as possible, so now i'm mixing it myself. However, since I am a complete noob (have only done several home-made demos before), any feedback and mentoring would be much appreciated.

I've purchased Systematic Mixing Guide and followed some of it's points, but not all of them are applicable to my source material.
Here's the what I've done yesterday evening (it's really quiet and has no vocals for now):

After the nights rest I already hear a lot of problems, like the kick thump being lost, snare being really loud and lacking hi-end snap and the guitars having some low-mid mud.

So you are welcome to bash the mix and give any advice on how to improve the situation.

Raw tracks:
Latest mix:
good start man your mixes can only get better from here

The term proper ,remove it from your vocabulary with audio
no mix & master will ever be or ever has been perfect
if anyone ever says "it perfect " there fulla shit - Period

Keep moving forward good work

Nice guitar sound,this is triggered snare and kick?Yeah you right you lost body of the kick and snare hits are so consistent try eider to bland some other snare or automate with slightly different EQ on snare and you need reverb on snare and whole drum,but find something that will fit guitars and ambient that is already there.EQ guitars little bit more and some saturation would help.Cheers
Thanks, guys!

@WhalhallaM, no, nothing is triggered, just probably overprocessed so it sounds like a trigger. It's my first attempt on the live drum kit mixing. The problem with a snare is that the drummer wasn't hitting hard enough, so I've compressed the shit out of it and put GClip on the top snare. And the kick mics have serious amount of cymbal bleed, that made me low-pass drastically, hence the mid-rangey kick click. It would sound even more artificial if I would use gate, so I decided not to.
There is already some Variety Of Sound's FerrisTDS saturation on guitars and bass.

I would appreciate any help on using ReaComp on drums parallel compression buss. Can't seem to make it work with all that bleed and low frequency mess.
Will post raw tracks if anyone asks!
Great start man, guitar tone sounds surprisingly good, try to get as little mud as possible from the source tough since that's hard to get rid of. You can always try cutting around 300-500hz on the guits. Kick and snare are sorta loud, overheads need to come up as well, try a blending in a snare sample if you want more crack. Also try adding some reverb (parallel) to the snare and toms. Keep practicing.
So, i've been molesting this mix lately, added vocals and made some tweaks here and there.
Here's what it sounds like now:

My main problem now is the snare drum (yeah, right... as if the rest sounds fine). It just doesn't sound snappy enough, no matter how hard I try (there's already gclip, transient designer and lots of compression). Any suggestions apart from sample blending? Anyway, please give me some any feedback on this one!

And here are the raw tracks if anyone is interested.
There is some silence and weird drum hits in the beginning left from the intro, I forgot to cut it out. And the choir vocals (ftl_X-Y) are not consolidated.
I spent a few hours tonight building a project up and grouping the tracks.

Listened to the raw files. Picked what I wanted to work with.

Tried to set some general levels. Got some eq's and compression's added.

Still have a bit to go to get the track sounding as good as I can make it. Ill have the vocals on it tomorrow with a better mix of the music. And maybe.... just maybe ... I'll master it if you guys want me to give it a go. :p

Here's what I have for the Drums bass and guitar as of 1:14am x_X

(updated the track)
I've had a blast so far! You guys have some real talent ;)
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PM'ed you!

Hey, thanks, man! Your mix sounds weird though, are you sure that you haven't forgotten to turn off mono mix or something like that?
We are actually looking for a mastering engineer for an entire album.
Sad to say that mix was done on a Logitech Z5500 speaker system as I was far to lazy this evening after work to fire up my studio rig.

However tomorrow I will get everything tightened up on my main rig as it is my day off. :)
Working on the track now.


I've updated the track with a quick 15min adjustment mix.

Now I get start from the top with tones on this setup x_X Cant wait!!!
Alright out of time for today.

Here is what I have so far.



Ill try to get more done later :D
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anotherpaul, здарова! Как ваша группа называется? Песня крутая! :)

Finally done my mix. Of course it's far from exellence, but here is it:

Dollarosa, liked your mix! Can you tell what was done with vox and guitars?
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