NOOB - Reaper Question - Toontrack S2 MF


May 24, 2005
I'm a long time Sonar user but I'm giving reaper a test drive. So far, I like it but I have one issue I can't figure out.

I have an e-kit and I'm using it with Superior 2.0 Metal Foundry. I record a track in reaper and everything sounds fine while recording. However, many of the hits are missing during playback. For example, I'll play a triplet but during playback its only two notes. The middle note is missing.

It seems like a buffering issue. Any advice?
Have you tried raising the MIDI resolution?

Options/Preferences/Media/MIDI...Ticks per quarter note for new MIDI items: (default is 960)

I've had some problems with this before in Reaper and Sonar (my last update was 5). So, I thought I'd just record the audio outputs instead and treat it like real drums. When I did a comparison the MIDI was tracking fine. This is a frustrating problem. Good luck.
Have you tried raising the MIDI resolution?

Options/Preferences/Media/MIDI...Ticks per quarter note for new MIDI items: (default is 960)

I tried that and I'm still having the same problem. It's actually not recording every note. I'll can play a buzz roll and when I play it back it sounds like every 3rd note is missing.
This is really frustrating. I guess I'm not the only person with this problem.
See what happens when you bring the velocities down a little. Try this MIDI limiter plug in.

JS: MIDI/midi_velocitycontrol.

Try playing the roll with softer hits around 90 or less for non-accents and around 115 for the accents, until they have a nice pop to ‘em.

Record the VST audio outputs too and compare with the MIDI timing. If you played it that way the audio will record that way.

The guys at the Reaper forum could get this fixed for you in no time.