not enough RAM? (idk if thats correct) HELP!


Apr 19, 2010
Okay, so ive been working on a mix. and realized now its using up a ton of RAM. during play back, itll start spazzing out, (pulling random sounds from random parts throughout the song). every time, its different, so i know there isnt hidden wavs throughout. this was frustrating, but i managed to finish mixing. but thats not the worst part....

i tried rendering it to .mp3 a couple times and Reaper crashed. Eventually it worked. never imagined that the craziness through playback would actually render. Well.... it did.

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem without upgrading RAM? (i know i will have to soon, just dont have the money) because i need to send this mix out to a potential client.

if it helps, heres some specs:
Using Reaper as a DAW.
Using Podfarm, Superior 2.0, Steven Slate, and Waves vsts.
And i have 31 tracks
How much RAM are you currently running, and what speed is your processor clocked at? Also, how many cores is your processor running?


Also - I had this same issue with Reaper when I got my new computer. I knew it wasn't the hardware, but the software, because everything was literally brand new. I can't remember what I did to fix it, but I remember I was uninstalling and reinstalling Reaper like mad until I found some solution :p
Ok, apart from having specs, the render technique (aka "freeze" on other DAWs) will not help, because it works only for CPU...

If you use SD2, you can do this:

-Load your project, but open the SD2 VST window ASAP, and click on "CACHED", then "CLEAR" on the left, yeahhh you've made it !

Now, just play the whole song one time through before rendering, SD2 will only load samples used on your midi loops, and will limit ram usage.

I assume, if you use Slate drums with SD2, that the later is only for cymbals, I don't know if you can do the same thing on Slate with Kontakt, would be glad to know if I can (mmhh nevermind, upgraded to 6 gb ram, but for friends of mine it would be useful).

You should give us precisions on ram consumption for every demanding track, if you can...
im running extremely late so i will get the ram specs to you in a few hours. but real quick Chester: When i say render, i think you may have me misunderstood. That is what Reaper calls it when you are sending your project to a playable file for itunes, etc. Some call it bouncing. Some call it... i dont remember, not important lol. Gotta run! Be back soon with specs
64-bit processor, but i have a 32-bit OS, so i can only use 32bit programs and limited RAM
Quadcore Processor
4G RAM (3.5 usable bc of 32bit OS) When Reaper is running, i can go to my Task Manager and where RAM usage is, there is from 7 down to 0 MB free
This is why i think its a RAM issue (though it could always be software, but i doubt it.. just wanted to double check with you guys)
2.6 GHz speed too btw
You have 4GB in 32Bits, Reaper process can only use about 1,7GB memory before it crashes (personal expirience) so the problem is not in the memory your computer has but how reaper is using it.
If you have a big project (many songs) split it in multiple projects if it's just the Vst's consuming memory then you can try the bridging that uses a separate process for the VST's.

Also you say in task manager it says 0 memory free, that's very strange because with virtual memory you should never aproach 0, unless it's 0 of physical memory...
Darth: Thats what my brother said, he's a computer nerd to the max. But he said I should double check to make sure that actually would be a solution so i don't end up wasting money.

Others agree with Darth? Please speak up if so
I run 32bit win7 on a quad core (intel 9600) with 4GB or RAM, like you. But I use Cubase & Protools...not Reaper, so I can't speak to that. However, I can run tons of plugins, while running Superior (a large kit with lots of internal processing going on too), with buffer set to 512...and I've yet to hear even a single click or pop which I had problems with on my older systems.
win7 x64 with 32-bit reaper is exactly what i've been running for over a year with absolute peak performance and zero plugin compatibility issues. superior, trigger, kontakt, all of it perfect.
Download some extra ram. It worked for me.
