not enough RAM? (idk if thats correct) HELP!

thought it was trolling, but then i was wondering.... does he actually believe this????? hahahaha well, not yet. I mean i could try bridging stuff, freezing stuff, changing buffers, etc etc etc... but.. i honestly dont like to tweak things to make it work. Theres usually a drawback to it every time. sometimes not noticeable, sometimes noticeable. So I'm probably going to buy a few Gigs of RAM today. My brother said he can try and give me his Windows 7 64bit. If not, ill just buy that too hahaha. Upgrading my computer to fix this problem is more of a permanent long term, no drawback, solution. Which im a lot more fond of. Im pretty sure this will fix this problem. Darth seems to think so as well
if you stay in 32bits domain you can buy a truck load more of ram and you will still have the exact same problems... even more, if you have 4GB 32 bits windows can only use about 3,5GB...