Norse Afterlife concepts


Fenrisúlfr;7568389 said:
Valhalla better have sluts or I'll start asking Loki if he needs any help on Ragnarök.

Ok, so it isn't asked in the method I was hoping for, but it's a start......

Other than the fact that it is thought that Valholl is a christianized concept, does anyone have any other thoughts on where one would go?
I'm a n00b when it comes to Norse mythology. So bare with me :P
Most of what I know is knowing that most fantasy books (what I read) and D&D (ya I am a nerd) are heavily based in Norse Mythology. I've been reading about each the Aesir and little stories here and there, but haven't gotten to afterlife.
My question is how is it determined which hall you will go to in the afterlife? Since I don't know much about Norse mythology, I only know of two halls Odin's and Freya's. Is there more?
Ok so more than one question. :P
My question is how is it determined which hall you will go to in the afterlife? Since I don't know much about Norse mythology, I only know of two halls Odin's and Freya's. Is there more?
Ok so more than one question. :P

Each god/goddess according to Snorri has his/her own hall, Thor has Bilskirnir, you mentioned...has Sessrumnir, Odin has Vallholl, Hel has her hall etc. etc.
Well I've read the Norse Myths, but they never mention afterlife.

From what I've read, warriors that die in battle go to Valhalla, and people that die normally of old age or sickness or whatever go to Hel, only it's not the same as Christian hell as in it's not a bad place and it's not punishment for sins in life.
Well I've read the Norse Myths, but they never mention afterlife.

From what I've read, warriors that die in battle go to Valhalla, and people that die normally of old age or sickness or whatever go to Hel, only it's not the same as Christian hell as in it's not a bad place and it's not punishment for sins in life.

Snorri's version mentions that yes, it is also mentioned those who drown go to ran...Aegir's wife... but in the Sagas and in the archeological record there are findings that it is actually the gravemound that ones goes.

There is mention in Frithiof Saga of him handing gold pieces to his men during a storm should their boat sink and they drown, it was thought well to go to her with gold so she would welcome those into her hall.

There is reference as I mentioned In Eyrbyggja Saga and Njal's Saga of going into the mountain when one dies, there is mention of Valholl in Egil's Sage IIRC and to be honest, going to and looking for information there is also a good decision, you may need to register but the wealth of information is staggering.

I basically made this thread because there is a lot of misinformation and downright confusion as to what people think happens when you die as far as heathens believe and what people assume.
Fenrisúlfr;7569107 said:
I wonder what Frigg's hall would be like :D

Frigg being Oden's wife would prolly be living with him in Valhall. as far as the infos ive read in the other thread are going, it is likely that she holds the keys and 'preside' to the feasts in the idea that it is her that present the drinking horn to Oden (and the other men gathered?)
The same would go to Siv, Thor's wife.
It seems only Freya is a somewhat of an exception, having her own hall not associated beforehand with another male god. Does she have any specefic male at her side by the way? or we really should assume Loke's insults as being (exagerated) facts? (that was in Lokasenna i think)