Frigg being Oden's wife would prolly be living with him in Valhall.
her hall is called Fensalir
as far as the infos ive read in the other thread are going, it is likely that she holds the keys
the key thing is...from what I have heard...used to mention taking care of the home/homestead.
and 'preside' to the feasts in the idea that it is her that present the drinking horn to Oden (and the other men gathered?)
valkyries are for that, from what I have seen, the only ones that "require a woman to present" the horn to a man is in Theodish/AS heathenry.
The same would go to Siv, Thor's wife.
as far as?
It seems only Freya is a somewhat of an exception, having her own hall not associated beforehand with another male god.
the others don't either though.
Does she have any specefic male at her side by the way? or we really should assume Loke's insults as being (exagerated) facts? (that was in Lokasenna i think)
she "had" Od who some think is a hyp[ostasis of Odin, she is supposed to wander searching for him, weeping tears of gold.
what should be rememebered is all we have is from Snorri as far as the mythological poems, as far as the burial concepts and beliefs, we have sagaic references and archeological references which hopefully T will come and add her expertise to.