Norse Afterlife concepts

Frigg being Oden's wife would prolly be living with him in Valhall.

her hall is called Fensalir

as far as the infos ive read in the other thread are going, it is likely that she holds the keys

the key thing is...from what I have heard...used to mention taking care of the home/homestead.

and 'preside' to the feasts in the idea that it is her that present the drinking horn to Oden (and the other men gathered?)

valkyries are for that, from what I have seen, the only ones that "require a woman to present" the horn to a man is in Theodish/AS heathenry.

The same would go to Siv, Thor's wife.

as far as?

It seems only Freya is a somewhat of an exception, having her own hall not associated beforehand with another male god.

the others don't either though.

Does she have any specefic male at her side by the way? or we really should assume Loke's insults as being (exagerated) facts? (that was in Lokasenna i think)

she "had" Od who some think is a hyp[ostasis of Odin, she is supposed to wander searching for him, weeping tears of gold.

what should be rememebered is all we have is from Snorri as far as the mythological poems, as far as the burial concepts and beliefs, we have sagaic references and archeological references which hopefully T will come and add her expertise to.

what happens in freyas hall? she takes half of the slains yes, but whats the criteria of choosing? i cant find any info (ive just started reading the eddas and only said she takes half the slain so far :( )

also, what happens to non believers are they suposed to be "judged" normally like believers are?
It's a matter of how you live, not what you believe. Or possibly what fate has in store for you, there's a bit of a grey area there. The "Belief Required" bit is pretty much only present in the monotheistic religions.

As for what happens in Freja's hall... haven't a clue, but I'd sure like to find out. :D Or Bilskinir wouldn't be bad, best beer in the 9 worlds!
i dont know a lot about most halls (im studying hehe), but valhalla sure looks pleasing!

i asked because of this bit from the song "abandoned"

"Oh no! I was wrong
Denied the true gods
And now I'm doomed
I trusted foreign men
And their god's son
But now when I need them
They are gone

I see Hel's gates
Towering high
And dark are they
I die!"

my intrepertation wud be that it referes to christianism right?
yes yes, i know that :)

but wud that mean that if you dont believe in the norse gods you go directly to nifelheim?

im familiar with most myth in general, im now reading the edda but since age of mythology that i intrested a lot in general mythology and with AA (i only knew them a lil before WOTN dvd when reading a meta magaine) Ive won even more intrest in norse mythology
yes yes, i know that :)

but wud that mean that if you dont believe in the norse gods you go directly to nifelheim?

if you do not "believe" in them, you go wherever your particular "belief system" says you go...

If you go strictly by Snorri, the dead go to Nifelheim, oathbreakers, murderers and philanderers go to Nastrond, and come Ragnarok, ride with the host of giants against the gods and einherjar.....who would want that?

If you go by some of the sagaic references I made...Eyrbyggja/Njal' go into a mountain, if you go by what more than likely actually happened, you go into a mound with your grave goods, your body stays there as well as your "soul"...our ancestors didn't have a duality of a soul concept view...and your luck stays there for your future ancestors to partake in.

Mound sitting was a common documented practice that our ancestors partook in.