North americans... is there a vampyre subculture?


Nov 4, 2008
After watch "The Ungroundable", the hilarious South Park season finale, I thought that the "vampire kids" were some random invention of Matt & Trey disturbed minds. But then I found this on Wikipedia and I can´t really believe that this is real. Do you know or have heard of anyone who lives like this? Is it a somewhat popular urban tribe or trend? I mean, EMO was really hard to believe until it started to spread around here, but this vampirysm is a whole new threshold on dumbness.
Nope, they're real - and reproducing faster than I can bitchslap some sense back into them.

Stupid as it may be, they still don't beat emos, early-to-mid-teenage 'punks', hip-hop zombies, or neocons.

Oh yeah...that's a real subculture. I used to check out the forums, but if just got nasty. Like...yeah.

You've got different types of vampires (vampyres as some like to be called) too.
I didn't know this was a long time going on. I thought it was just with the release of that Twilight flick that kids started shitting themselves over Vampires and crap.

You've got different types of vampires (vampyres as some like to be called) too.

What, are they blood-drinking Skynyrd fans?

The whole vampire thing is way beyond retarded. Next thing you know, there'll be a damned Frankenstein subculture where people stick bolts in their necks, shock each other, and yell "FIRE BAD!!!!".
Yup, they are out there, have been for a long time. I personally love Vampires in fiction. Claiming your one is an entirely different thing.
Unfortunately, I've had to work with a couple of them. One of them also thought he was a witch and a pirate and spoke fluent klingon. So, there ya go.
Unfortunately, I've had to work with a couple of them. One of them also thought he was a witch and a pirate and spoke fluent klingon. So, there ya go.

Hahahhaha, a witch, pirate, AND Star Trek nut all in one? Jeebus, talk about blowing straight through my ceiling of the amount of nerddom possible in one person :lol: This whole vampire (or vampyre? I don't fucking know) is all news to me, praise jeebus I've never encountered anyone like it (or maybe I just always think they're goth fruitcakes)
Hahahhaha, a witch, pirate, AND Star Trek nut all in one? Jeebus, talk about blowing straight through my ceiling of the amount of nerddom possible in one person :lol: This whole vampire (or vampyre? I don't fucking know) is all news to me, praise jeebus I've never encountered anyone like it (or maybe I just always think they're goth fruitcakes)

And to boot...these same two people were also "furries". If you don't know of yourself a favor and DON'T LOOK IT UP. You'll be sorry. I wish to God I still didn't know. LOL I've found out a few too many things about some of the people around here. Although, it's made for an endless source of jokes. :heh:

EDIT: oh yes...and the pirate/witch/vampire/klingon guy...from Rhode Island, mind you...also walked around every day wearing a cowboy hat and belt with a confederate flag buckle. Just to blow through your ceiling even more. LOL
wow, and to think I was embarrased to bust out my Star Wars novel at the airport yesterday.
EDIT: oh yes...and the pirate/witch/vampire/klingon guy...from Rhode Island, mind you...also walked around every day wearing a cowboy hat and belt with a confederate flag buckle. Just to blow through your ceiling even more. LOL

Ho. Ly. Crap.

As far as the vampires go, there are a small number that actually believe themselves to be vampires of myth and lore. The majority of them call themselves vampires because they feed off of "essence" from other beings. There are blood vampires, pysch vampires and energy vampires. And when I say energy vampires, I mean not that far removed from sticking a fork into an electrical output.

Personally, PB&J does it for me. That, and beer.
What's funny is when I told them that my wife is Romanian, and I've been in Transylvania several times (it's actually my favorite/ the most pretty region in Romania)...and their eyes just lit up with awe. IDIOTS. LOL
Ho. Ly. Crap.

As far as the vampires go, there are a small number that actually believe themselves to be vampires of myth and lore. The majority of them call themselves vampires because they feed off of "essence" from other beings. There are blood vampires, pysch vampires and energy vampires. And when I say energy vampires, I mean not that far removed from sticking a fork into an electrical output.

Personally, PB&J does it for me. That, and beer.

Yup, I met a couple lesbian/bi "blood/pysch vampires" when I was about 15. I gotta admit one of them was soooo hot. At the time they where strange and interesting to me, so I hung out with them a lot. I tried and tried to get with one of them,(hot one was bi) almost did. This was in Key West, FL. Serene, still remember her name. :lol:
I''m thinking that when it comes to all these subcultures, the parents are to blame for the majority. We're all so quick to call them idiots, freaks or whatever, (its so easy) but I'm guessing that these people have some serious family issues that they can't control and cope with that has affected their life and may very possibly last their entire lifetime.

It's pretty sad actually.
I mean, whatever floats your boat... The only thing that bothers me with various subcultures: Sometimes they have the tendency to point out how much more of an individual human being they are while downgrading others to "followers" or "sheeps", though they're a slave to the same social constructs and effects like everyone else. Same shit, different color. But they're too blind and/or stupid to realize that...

Emos, Goths, Vampires, sXe guys, hip hoppers, trve kvlt metal heads, technoheads etc. ---> all the fuckin' same.
I don't know jack about a Vampire subculture, but the wife & I became fans of HBO's "True Blood" pretty quick.

that show is great. I was hooked. I'm pissed 'cause our 6-month stint of free HBO will be up soon. no more true blood, life and times of tim, or little britain USA. rats!