Norwegian Lyric Translations

Darkthrone - En Ås I Dype Skogen - Transilvanian Hunger (lyrics written by Count Grishnakh)

A Ridge In The Deep Forest

A gate stood open, a horseman appeared.
A cold mist had laid itself over the fields.
Nine black horses, and nine armed men.
An eye stared angrily down from a flag.

Silence fell, when the company stopped.
They stopped in a circle round a stone.
Silently, they rode towards it, and disappeared when they reached it.
For the stone was a thought filled with power.

Stars upon a heaven, which never falls down.
Rays of light in a night that lasts eternally.
Thousand cold winters, with only cold and contempt.
There is no summer without a winter.

In an old forest, where trolls and goblins (well, couldn't find a better word) wandered,
Was a stone, that moved and became life.
Nine armed men, on nine grey proud horses,
Carried a banner, on which the eye showed itself.

Every night, there is new darkness
Every winter I freeze
But I will never cry
For prouldy I rode that time
Out of the deep forest.
Fantastic! :grin: I have always enjoyed Thyrfing's lyrics, which are obviously inspired by Norse Mythology. This is of course more evidence that Thyrfing are Gods!

Thank you very much spaffe, I raise my horn of mead to thee! :cool:

Sir Spaffe, if you are feeling in a mood for translating, could you please translate these Thyrfing song titles please?

Vargavinter (I assume this is something to do with wolves and winter ... ?)
När slaget är vunnet
Vi gingo ut i strid
Färd mot Thrudvang

Solen Svartnar
Solen svartnar I
Solen svartnar II
...ty mörkret skall falla

Ur askan ett rike
En döende mans förbannelse

Till Valfader urgammal

I just wish for the song titles to be translated, just to give me an idea of what the song is about. Thank you very much! :)

Also, henrikmain, thank you very much for the Darkthrone translation!
Oakenson said:
Fantastic! :grin: I have always enjoyed Thyrfing's lyrics, which are obviously inspired by Norse Mythology. This is of course more evidence that Thyrfing are Gods!

Thank you very much spaffe, I raise my horn of mead to thee! :cool:

Sir Spaffe, if you are feeling in a mood for translating, could you please translate these Thyrfing song titles please?

I just wish for the song titles to be translated, just to give me an idea of what the song is about. Thank you very much! :)

no problem, it's rather fun translating stuff when i'm in the mood :)

__"paganland" or "land of pagans"
__its literal translation would be "wolfswinter" but the swedish term "vargavinter" refers to an epsecially cold and hard winter.
När slaget är vunnet
__when the battle is won
Vi gingo ut i strid
__we went into battle (a tricky one to translate since "gingo" is and old form of the word "gick" (meaning went) so in order for the translation to be correct it should have an old version of the word "went" but i couldn't find any)
Färd mot Thrudvang
__journey to Thrudvang

Solen svartnar I
__the sun turns black I
Solen svartnar II
__the sun turns black II :p
__the battle
...ty mörkret skall falla
__...for the darkness shall fall

__tyrfing is a sword forged by dwarves in the nordic mythology, dunno why the band has added an "h" tho
Ur askan ett rike
__out of the ash a realm
En döende mans förbannelse
__curse of a dying man

__drinkingpoem ("kväde" is type of solemn poetry common in norse mythology)
__fire journey or journey of fire
Till Valfader urgammal
__to Valfader ancient (Valfader is one of Odins many names, i think it means "father of the battlefield")
Urkraft __primordial force

I do not think there are any Kveldsajner translations around... :erk:

I would also like to see some Stormblast translations although I have heard once they are translated the lyrics are quite bad ... ?
i've made a little translation of thyrfing's "dryckeskväde", enjoy :)
(btw, keep in mind that this a litteral translation and that i've not included the rhyming etc)


When the storm that cracked the dragon was howling;
the whipping gale that flogged the branch of the ash tree;
Allfader (Allfather) rose from the seat of honour
"More drink in the horn" he angrily spake
Far beyond the mountains and vallies of Midgård
sheltered from the storm in golden halls
Allfather suddenly empties a well-filled jar
and twines his beard in pleasant intoxication.

Let the drinkingpoem echo in glory of ancient gods.
Drink it up, doubt not; in my memory I carry you.

Beyond long bench and gold adorned seat
croak of raven is heard and a rumbling sound.
Of watchfull eyes five, but four keenly see Allfader
hewing giants in the world of dreams.
Silence now reigns in home of drunken heroes;
the dawn and battle brings death, then life once more.
When evening approaches yet again and the battle is over;
Allfather proposes a salute for his warriors.