not a good combo....:(

Grumble Grumble

We die We all...
Oct 29, 2006
Saginaw,Michigan, USA
So there was a big party last night (lots of kata was played hooray) anyway, i had eaten dennys prior then drank a bunch and then had sum dry cinnamon toast crunch. Problem is i feel like im dieing inside lol.

Also Anathema are a great band ive recently discovered due to you wonderful people.

Speaking of music, i just dont know anymore....everyone around me is getting into the whole scene over in america/namely my home town. Metal/hardcore mixed with deathmetal or metal/grindcore. It sux i hate it and i get shit for it, and hardly NO ONE gives katatonia the time of the day srsly wtf is up with that?

Oh and apparently im a metal elitest cuz i dont listen to nothin but shit from europe (cept agalloch,nevermore,and strapping young lad).

Sorry for this rant, its more bloggable than anything but im buzzin and chillin to katatonia so i thought "hmm ive been up for like 32 hrs ill go rant"

yeah I'm familiar more or less with what you got in the US
but there's quite a thick line between elitism and not going with the flow...those guys are probably idiots or something

and thanks
indeed har har har, tis far superior to the shit we have over here though :erk:

btw your sig owns.

Minus Nevermore, Novembers Doom, Agalloch, Symphony X, Billy Joel, Clutch :), Saturnus (I think are US, haha), and various others. I agree for the most part though.
America hasn't really had a great metal scene since the early 90's death metal era...but some really cool bands have come out in recent years...Agalloch, Daylight Dies...yeah...I'm at a loss for wordz.

Hail Europe.
Hail Watain!
America has some of the best music around. Sweden, America, Britain, Australia, and Finland have the best music around. Of course they all have a ton of shit bands too but that's to be expected. I'm not talking about the scene either because I just don't give a flying fuck.
The scene is what seems to make 90% of music bad where I live I think. People get too caught up in trying to look and sound as brutal as they can, and get lost in it. The quality has gone to crap it seems. The biggest thing I think when I say scene is modern grindcore. Today's "grindcore" is terrible. It's all the same thing, and is a complete scene kid attraction. These people don't know true, heavy music. It seems like most of the bands in my area are trying to be like Job for a Cowboy and The Black Dahlia Murder (even though BDM isn't grind).
You mean that Job For A Cowboy, Suicide Silence, As Blood Runs Black....bullshit? I can't believe that shit is labeled as Grind. Every kid here is a moron. Wearing their tight Suffocation shirts and can't name a song. Scenes are retarded.
Yep, that's exactly what I'm talking about. It just seems that's all that is coming out of my area any way. Besides Cellador. haha
Abigail Williams here too. Metalcore with Keyboards over it so it's oh so br00tal and nekro.

Bahhhhhh! I wish I could find some guys to make a real metal band.
Abigail Williams here too. Metalcore with Keyboards over it so it's oh so br00tal and nekro.

Bahhhhhh! I wish I could find some guys to make a real metal band.

ARRRRGH. I hate that band. Hate it so much. They were a huge joke when they opened up for freaking Enslaved. Grutle could eat the whole band. The lead singer was wearing a Bathory shirt, as if in hopes of redeeming himself for shitting vocals.

You mean that Job For A Cowboy, Suicide Silence, As Blood Runs Black....bullshit? I can't believe that shit is labeled as Grind. Every kid here is a moron. Wearing their tight Suffocation shirts and can't name a song. Scenes are retarded.

Fuckers like that buy the men's smalls so I can't buy them.

They'll rot in hell for it, too.
ARRRRGH. The lead singer was wearing a Bathory shirt, as if in hopes of redeeming himself for shitting vocals.

I saw The Black Dahlia Murder awhile back, they aren't as bad as AW, but still, they had a guitarist with an Emperor shirt on. I was like, "Umm, Ok?" I don't mind the support thing, but it seemed like they were just trying to play themselves off as a tr00 black/death band.

Haha, the vocalist, Trevor, had "HEARTBURN" tattooed across his stomach. That was a good laugh.
I saw The Black Dahlia Murder awhile back, they aren't as bad as AW, but still, they had a guitarist with an Emperor shirt on. I was like, "Umm, Ok?" I don't mind the support thing, but it seemed like they were just trying to play themselves off as a tr00 black/death band.

Haha, the vocalist, Trevor, had "HEARTBURN" tattooed across his stomach. That was a good laugh.

Aye, I've seen the shirt before.

I think it was in a picture featuring Trivium (actually, I honestly think it was also Bullet for my Valentine), or some crap band like that. One of the guys was wearing a Burzum shirt. If Varg had seen it he would have started stabbing things. Again.
Trivium singer wears Darkthrone and Emperor shirts in almost all of the promo photos...what is he trying to prove? I mean I don't care what he wears, but it just seems like he wants some moral support from the more underground metal fans.'s not happening.
My brother tells me all these emo kids are wearing Black Metal band shirts at his school now...I'm so glad I'm out of HS...I would have gone out of control and smacked a bitch.
Trivium singer wears Darkthrone and Emperor shirts in almost all of the promo photos...what is he trying to prove? I mean I don't care what he wears, but it just seems like he wants some moral support from the more underground metal fans.'s not happening.

Haha, exactly. Essentially, it all comes down to the question, "What the fuck are you trying to prove?" as you stated before.

And, to reply to your previous post, I feel your pain.

I'm quite sick of the kids that wear Iron Maiden shirts because it's trendy. Ask them to name a song other than "The Trooper" and they're throwing blanks.