A musical rant

Grumble Grumble

We die We all...
Oct 29, 2006
Saginaw,Michigan, USA
This probably holds no relevance but i feel like bitching...

And first and foremost i am not aiming to piss anyone off.

Why is hardcore and metalcore and emo and screamo and that crap popular in america?

I mean out of like 30 or 40 people i know only 3 of em listen to katatonia (for shame) and only 2 me and my friend whom i went to the katatonia show with listen to real metal. Ya know, real heavy black/death or the more different stuff, such as a lot of the names thrown about on this forum. But thats not my rant so i digress...

But all these crappy "metal" bands, as i lay dying,trivium, darkest hour,chiodos and etc. This is junk junk junk, i dont see why its so popular.

Well i guess im done, again i mean no offense to anyone, and if i pissed any souls off, then i apologize in advance.:zombie:
the problem is that people usually prefer music that does not hold any sort of requirement on the listener. most people just don't like the essence of extreme metal at all. many claim to be death metal fans and yet mostly listen to gothenburg/metalcore bullshit like trivium and soilwork. it's essentially stuff like catchiness and tough guy factor that draws, rather than the essence.

this is also the case with quality bands (just taking random examples) like nevermore and katatonia. many people prefer the "easy" material like dead heart in a dead world and viva emptiness/the great cold distance with better production (no offense whatsoever to those who like those cds) to the stuff that is harder and more demanding to listen to.

the problem lies in that many listeners actually aren't very interested in the music. most people want a 4/4 beat and a huge chorus hook, and that's it. the bands/cds/songs who breed in-depth interested are pretty much sacrificed because of that.
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Dude, I just love girls that deposit money to their monumental...dunna dunna MONUMENTAL!!!! DUNNA DUNNA! CHECK CHECK CHECK DEPOSIT!!!!!! Hot shiz
I love animal pornography with midgets but you don't see me running down the hall naked.

on a serious note I think most people everywhere don't have the time or at least act like they don't have the time to really get into anything besides themselves and how cool they look. so they just buy whatever is sold to them and that's just shitty bands that don't have any originality so they can pump out a million records like that each year and sell em. that and most people really don't have their own taste what so ever so they don't know what's good even when they do hear it.
I remember when I was in my last year of school
and in my small drama class I had Discouraged ones played on the CD
everyone was like what the heck is this? No one got it.... That was at the time LFDGD had ben released. I wonder how they would have reacted to my twin/ evidence / omerta or In the White being played...hhmmm.

Its pretty much all true people like catchy stuff

The way I see it catchy in itself is not a bad thing, but people continually like "crappy catchy stuff"

There may be some catchy stuff on viva and cold, but I assure you people still won't be able to get it fully.. I reject that both those albums are mainstreem; but do aknowledge traces of that exist in the albums, but that's just me

I mean my friend loves my friend, who is new to the genre; but prefers Amorphis as they "use keyboards more".
All emo blows, except for Sunny Day Real Estate, they created the emo genre and their first albums were total crap...but the last two albums are excellent prog-influenced alernative rock gems, really awesome.
that and most people really don't have their own taste what so ever so they don't know what's good even when they do hear it.

That's so right. People buy this shit that comes out of radio and MTV coz everyone else listens to that same shit. And there's even people who buy only hit compilations. I know couple of people who's cd collection basically consist of hit compilations. I don't know how much that kind of shitty compilations come out in other countries, but at least in Finland a lot. And of course before christmas every fukkin pop record company are putting out their hit collection.

What is it with the emo sub group culture
The under 18 teen youth emos dress like they are in a gulf of split personality or identity crisis
unsure if they belong to the goth or punk culture. The black slick haircuts are so gay