just a quick rant!

I dont care what people think of me...its just stupid that they cant accept that there is people who are different and dress different than the big masses...fuck those people :flame:
i dont own a barge pole...!
i guess i could buy one! hehe!
deep down i dont give a flying monkeys arse what ppl think about the way i dress, it just annoys me when they make stupid comments that i coudl live without. like "what are u wearing?" i mean how thick are these ppl! clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe!
altho we would look odd if we were all going around carrying barge poles...:rolleyes:
Well, if you're dressing to be different, that means you want to be noticed.


Maybe you're just different.
Either way, you're going to get reactions.

Some people will like it, some wont.

Sorry to have to say "deal with it", but DEAL WITH IT. :D
i don't know about everyone else, but i dress the way i do because i feel like it. i like the clothes i wear and i don't really give a rat-arse what i look like in them. i just get a bit pissed off when people start judging me and pretending they know what i'm like just because i wear a t-shirt of a metal band. i get put into groups where i reallydon't belong, and seeing as the people who put me into those groups are the ones who create them in the first place you can see why i get a bit pissed. but half the time i just ignore them. :)