Yeah,but I've seen pretty much every episode of the Twilight Zone there is...several times.Originally posted by Chromatose
twilight zone marathons on Sci-Fi channel FUCKING RULE
I finally listened to all of the cds.Seasons and Deliverance are alright upon first listen,but they'll have to grow on me.It takes me a few listens to get into cd I get lately,since I'm usually doing other stuff while listening to music(writing,homework,engaged in conversation via telephonic lense,etc.).So I can't really concentrate on a new cd,what I like or dislike about it or any standout tracks.
I've heard some other Sepultura songs,like "Roots","Dead Embryonic Cells",etc.All really good.But Against was the only Sepultura cd that was cheap enough for me to buy.I dunno,maybe I'll ask for some of the stuff for my birthday.
War Ensamble