not a thread about YouTube

re: carcassian

you're still not bloody doing it right.

after you do the insert link, there's 1 version of the url that's in "these" and one that is not. replace the one that is not with "Turd Burglery - Murder For Tacos" or whatever it is.

i wouldnt care but you've got 3x as many as anyone else... and i'm too lazy to update as it is...
Teh Grimace said:
re: carcassian

you're still not bloody doing it right.

after you do the insert link, there's 1 version of the url that's in "these" and one that is not. replace the one that is not with "Turd Burglery - Murder For Tacos" or whatever it is.

i wouldnt care but you've got 3x as many as anyone else... and i'm too lazy to update as it is...

I'm not doing all that fannying about.
It's not hard. Watch. [url = link goes here] This is a band - This is the band's album [ / url ]