not going to be here for a while

6 weeks, actually

i'll be at a goverment-funded program which i was nominated for in academics. it's kinda like college, except no grades.

i have no idea how much i will have access to the net.

anyways, i wish everyone here the best of luck and i look forward to chatting with all my homies here when i can, or, if need be, when i get home july 27th.

take it easy, everyone! ;)
I did S.O.A.R. between my 9th and 10th grade was like that.for good grade kids to get ready for college. BUt i got a credit for was 8 weeks. I stayed at the UNIVERSITY IF KY fo rthe whole time..saw me mum and dad once in that time as was mucho fun.
Being an intruder inthe girls dorms...hahaha
NOBULLshit caught a chick fingeringherself, you now the credit the door trick...
i see, the finger can bend any way she wanted it, the toy can only do so many things i suppose. She is self suportive, relies on herself. SHe makes her own dicisions as well. A well rounded woman it sounds.