Not sure how to name this one

Thanks! I've had to mix with a very quiet volume as my lady is very sick and can't handle loud sounds, so I'll crank the guitars/turn the drums down. Thanks guys!
vocals are really good man. what did you do to them?

im not a big fan of the drums...the overall sound you seem to like is a little too overcompressed for me. i can even hear it on cymbals.
and like i said on the first mix you posted...your bass sounds pretty killer everytime.
vocals are really good man. what did you do to them?

im not a big fan of the drums...the overall sound you seem to like is a little too overcompressed for me. i can even hear it on cymbals.
and like i said on the first mix you posted...your bass sounds pretty killer everytime.

Thanks dude.

Yeah drums need a little work. They're pumping which is kind of what I was going for, but if people thing they're too pumping I'll fix it. This definitely won't be the final mix, but the vocal chain is something I'm really happy about. I'll screen shot it really quick for ya. But that's weird because there's a very minimal amount of compression in my overheads.
Using staged compression for this chain. Diggin it!

They sorta remind me of Sw1tched.

As for the mix, it sounds incredible! One thing you seem to have mastered is getting the bass to tuck into the mix nicely so that it compliments the guitars. As much as I try, I always get the bass sitting on top of the mix which sounds like utter ass. I get that it's "all in the EQ", but if you have any tips on how to get it to sit in like that would be greatly appreciated.
They sorta remind me of Sw1tched.

As for the mix, it sounds incredible! One thing you seem to have mastered is getting the bass to tuck into the mix nicely so that it compliments the guitars. As much as I try, I always get the bass sitting on top of the mix which sounds like utter ass. I get that it's "all in the EQ", but if you have any tips on how to get it to sit in like that would be greatly appreciated.

For bass, I triple the track.

The first bass track I name 'grit' and it's simply a non bass distorted sound. I filter out basically all of the low end.

The other two are for the low end. I filter out all of the highs and mids so they're only playing sub frequencies. One will play about 60 Hz and the other will be about 100. Then I mix them accordingly, send them to a bass buss and call it good. :Spin:
Sounds good dude. The guys said everything about drums and guitars and I agree. I think there's a tiny more delay than it should,but if you bring all the elements on the final levels maybe it wont be nauticable. I also noticed that after the 3.00 the volume lowers strangely,with a huge level lowering and then the fade out.
Sounds good dude. The guys said everything about drums and guitars and I agree. I think there's a tiny more delay than it should,but if you bring all the elements on the final levels maybe it wont be nauticable. I also noticed that after the 3.00 the volume lowers strangely,with a huge level lowering and then the fade out.

Yeah indeed. That's not how it ends really. I just automated it super fast just to use that file as a clip! =)
i think these drums have enough SSL, IMO! :D

the vocals sound really good, but sometimes you can hear the autotune snap the vocals unnaturally fast. doesn't happen too often though!

pretty good mix. what are guitars?

Yeah, I'm not too good with autotune. I guess I need to practice with it a little more. =/
There's so much bass on the kick, and so much pumping, that it really throws off my perception of the timing. I keep thinking the kick is on 1 and 3, when it's really on 2 and 4.

That's really weird.. There's like NO pumping when you actually listen to just the drums..
Hey NS nice mix man. vocal chain looks interesting melodyne or graphic mode in autotune should curb the quick snaps on the vox. I'd be screwed if it werent for graphic mode haha:lol: